Why do you love Gran Turismo?

  • Thread starter hot_wheelz
hi, im new here so i expect this has probably done loads before, but why do you love Gran turismo? for me, being disabled, it is the closest i will ever get to REAL driving, and therfore i'm very grateful to polyphony for creating the series! :cheers:
I respect cars as they are and therefore respect GT efforts to recreate them. PD has no huge need to please general video game players who like arcade style games. PD has allways done it's own thing and now many developers are replicating them to some extent.
hi, im new here so i expect this has probably done loads before, but why do you love Gran turismo? for me, being disabled, it is the closest i will ever get to REAL driving, and therfore i'm very grateful to polyphony for creating the series! :cheers:

Welcome to GTP. I love Gran Turismo for the attention to detail and the love for cars that PD gives the series. You can see their enthusiasim for cars, its like an artform to them, and that results in the most realistic car and track models. Its not all about high speed crashes and painting your cars with graphics, its about the realism and details of the cars right down to the stitching on the leather. Gran Turismo cars and race tracks are pretty much blueprints to the real deal. Its nice seeing the love and art that PD shows for automobiles.
Id say i love most things about gt - mostly the sheer attention to detail and the passion the developers put into it
I love Gran Turismo for the
1) attention to detail...+physics
2) the car passion
3) in full game: customization of the cars with engine parts etc...
4) the 'feel' they put in every trailer.. in which you can just FEEL the atmosphere... not only see it
I love driving all the cars that PD recreate beautifully. As well as all the brilliant tracks, hundreds of combos to discover and having a great time doing it. :D
Gran Turismo gives me the opportunity to drive cars that i will never own. I love the graphics and the attention to detail.
Gran Turismo gives me the opportunity to drive cars that i will never own.
But it also gives you the opportunity to drive cars that you do own, and that is just as important.
Gran turismo is my everything..My life

I would suggest you make an effort to get out more often.

As to the question, the overall combination of things in GT produces a draw, a flavor, and a depth not present in the vast majority of games. Thats what I love about it. Not to mention its in my favorite genre.
I was thinking about this the other night, I think for me it's the fact that they have somehow given every single car it's own feel and even character (if i may use such a term). It makes me want to master most of the cars, where as in other racing games, I find I'm just blasting through the game to get to the good cars, (which normally are a disappointment) But in GT I can happily spend a good few hours in a Ford Focus or Renault Clio or something just trying to shave milliseconds off of a single track. Oh yeah, and those drool-inducing graphics too. :D
Great atmosphere, great tracks, great physics, great graphics, great detail, great cars, great little extras, etc... It's a great game. :)
I'm a petrolhead and autoholic.
I just love cars.
So many to drive, modify, tune, race, watch, enjoy.
No other racing/driving game comes close to the Gran Turismo series and I have been playing since GT1, when I was 9 years old.
GT resonates with me so much because it allows you to take production cars, modify them, and race them. This is what i do in real life. Im not the boy racer type that puts vinyl graphics or body kits. I prefer to do clean mods.

The (menu) music also appeals to me because its the kind of music i prefer. Browsing the dealership is one of the joys of Gran Turismo, the cars so photo-realistic and immaculate. I hope whenever i buy a new car in real life, the feeling I get will echo that of Gran Turismo's.
GT feels authentic. No other game comes close, not even Forza. What I love most is how well they model the cars and tracks. It feels like you are actually driving.
It is fun, allows me to do things I could never imagine doing in real life(not to mention I could never afford it). Where else can you pretend to have a collection the size of Jay Leno's and push every one of them to the limit.
I played GT2 when my father bought it for me a few Christmases ago. I remember him saying it just came out, and that it was just like real life. We played for a while, alternating between me and my brother, and we then went to bed at the end of the day. When I woke up, he had been playing for a while until he got his car in game. It was my favorite car, and my brother's as well.

Although this is in and of itself a great memory, it's made even better that he died three years later, and we had to sell his car to make sure my mom had enough money and could go back to school.

The number of memories I have of my dad I can count on my fingers, and GT happens to be one of those. Some say I'm a nerd or geek for playing GT, but I say it's because I can't drive real cars yet. That's true, but the other reason is that GT, GT2 to be specific, is burned into my memory. And I even dug up the original copy my dad bought, it was full of scratches, but it still meant much to me. I played it for hours straight. my mom asked me why I was playing such a low quality game, and I told her it was the one I always played that dad bought me. I had also been crying.

And that's why I love GT.
love GT because of the simulator, the cars, and the attention to detail.
as long as GT keeps making games, I will have to continue buying new playstations.
I played GT2 when my father bought it for me a few Christmases ago. I remember him saying it just came out, and that it was just like real life. We played for a while, alternating between me and my brother, and we then went to bed at the end of the day. When I woke up, he had been playing for a while until he got his car in game. It was my favorite car, and my brother's as well.

Although this is in and of itself a great memory, it's made even better that he died three years later, and we had to sell his car to make sure my mom had enough money and could go back to school.

The number of memories I have of my dad I can count on my fingers, and GT happens to be one of those. Some say I'm a nerd or geek for playing GT, but I say it's because I can't drive real cars yet. That's true, but the other reason is that GT, GT2 to be specific, is burned into my memory. And I even dug up the original copy my dad bought, it was full of scratches, but it still meant much to me. I played it for hours straight. my mom asked me why I was playing such a low quality game, and I told her it was the one I always played that dad bought me. I had also been crying.

And that's why I love GT.

This is the exact same story as I have with my father and GT, mine also passed away.
...Where do I start....
Realism, The Car's, The tracks...the competition, Photomode and the prestige of the GT series...I love the music.:D:tup:
I like GT because of one thing, and one thing only. Cars! It encourage me to be a real car enthusiast, and not just liking one car over the other. It showed me that even a slow car like Demio is still quit fun to drive (if your racing with someone). And though me a lot about motor sports that I barely know or don't even know back in the day I mean what's JGTC or Super GT? GT is the reason why i like cars and motorsports so much, probably as much as I love my girlfriend. ;)
The perfect blend of console racer and simulator.

The vast selection of plebian and exotic machines.

The detail.

The eccentricities like Kei cars and 40 skylines.

The feeling of the trailers, I watched the E3 trailer 40+ times after it was released and it never got old. I've found the song from the new Ferrari 458 trailer and I've listened to that 15+ times with it never getting old. They should really consider making a CGI movie based around racing, it would be epic.
Here are my reasons for loving gran turismo... but before i start my first proper games console was a 8 bit nes :D they have come a long way since then !

GT loving reasons -

1 - It was the first proper driving simulator to come out on games consoles
2 - Huge game playability in career mode
3 - being able to own / drive cars you could just not afford and also ones you fancied at the time !
4 - Being able to drive a few cars i have owned in reality i.e - pug 106 gti, vectra gsi and recently a mitsubishi fto gpx blah blah :)
5 - at the time of release the graphics look superior... gt1/2 looked ace at the time.

GT in my opinion is the definitive driving game on games consoles ( pc sims are better i agree ) and i really dont care how long it takes for PD to release GT5 i just know that its going to be a spot on product well worth its asking price..... i mean where else can i drive my fto at speed and have it react like the real thing ( almost ) nowhere bar a track or on gran turismo ;)
IMO Gran Turismo is to racing games what Grand Theft Auto is to open world games. Both set high standards for other companies to follow, and offer a certain nostalgic feel about them that makes them stand out in their respective genres.

I guess the reason I love the Gran Turismo series so much is it was the first racing franchise I got into other than NFS, and gave me the chance to start with a low powered run of the mill car, and work my way up to the more rare, and exclusive supercars.

Whereas most racing games I feel at the time when Gran Turismo came out just threw you into supercars that you would never own/drive in real life. I liked the change Gran Turismo brought, and gave you the chance to start at the bottom, and work your way up. The inclusion of a licence system also contributed to that feeling too.

Also I've always loved the variety of cars that have been available. I was a bit disappointed in the lack of cars in GT3, but could understand it made a generation jump, and was compensated in GT4 anyway.

Gran Turismo just fuels my passion for cars like not other racing franchise can.
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I love GT for many reasons but one big one is that by running laps in the game around Nurburgring i have a greater chance of running at about 70% in real life and keep my car in one peace. Just due to the mental prepations it takes to do somthing like that!