GTRA | RSeat WSGTC S3 | Round 4 | Nürburgring GP/F | German GT

  • Thread starter Litchi
I understand that. What I am trying to get us every possibility until a decision is made on how to award the points.
If only your fastest lap counts, then discard the dirty laps, who would be third?
PLC's 2nd fastest lap is still fast enough to be the 3rd quickest lap (clean) in GT500.The fact that his best was off by about 6 inches should not exclude the chance for a bonus point on another lap.
Me and PLC had a good battle on laps 29-31, i would catch him in the corner but he would have more top end and therefore i couldn't stick a pass anywhere. On lap 31 he went too deep into the chicane a hit the barriers (He didn't hit hard enough to move them into the middle of the track). Then, he pit.

If HAMILTON was there we would've had a great battle.
If HAMILTON was there we would've had a great battle.


I was totally bummed. I got home at 3:30am. I had to post from my iPhone GTP app.

Next round I'll have to go balls out.
PLC's 2nd fastest lap is still fast enough to be the 3rd quickest lap (clean) in GT500.The fact that his best was off by about 6 inches should not exclude the chance for a bonus point on another lap.

Nothing is decided yet. I am just trying to gather all of the information. What I will say is this. IMO, a driver who has remained clean should never lose out. But as I say, it's not up me, I am just trying to gather all the information to cover all possible outcomes.
GT300 results BTW

EL_Aliens 69
Graham Turismo

NTSC Provisional Points


Ballast For Round5

BORTECH ..110kg
Trajikone ..30kg


GTP_CSL ..30+3+3+3=39
El_Aliens69 ..25+3+2+1=31
GrahamTurismo ..21+3+1+2=27
GTP_Erick ..18+3+0+0=21
Iforcev8 ..16+3+0+0=19
Troylee2601 ..14+3+0+0=17
GTP_Overheating ..12+3+0+0=15
T_Satou ..10+3+0+0=13

Ballast For Round5 5

El_Aliens69 ..130kg
GTP_CSL ..90kg
GTP_Erick ..50kg
Iforcev8 ..20kg
GrahamTurismo ..20kg

Race points+completion bonus+fastest lap bonus+qualifying bonus=total provisional points
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Certainly not with you hastily attempting a far too aggressive and needless pass when your result wouldn't have been affected at all had you just coasted across the finish behind our battle.

If you, iforce, or MONSTAR can pm a youtube clip of this it can probably be settled pretty easily.
Man wish I was there... Being on of my fav tracks, I could finally have competed for a decent position; although my q time wouldn't reflect it; still, I can run for hours on this track without going off... I can do all the corners perfectly, just not all on the same lap for some reason...
There's nothing to settle

I don't know, but there is such a thing as inappropriate passing/pass attempts on GT300's.
I know one GT500 very much slowed myself and Aliens down, 1st and 2nd place in the final 5 laps, because he was on bald tires, and I was fresh on mediums, Aliens fresh on hards, but kept passing us for half a lap, before thankfully waiting up rather then jumping in front at the chicane, which would have only been to slam the brakes nervously and hold me up another couple seconds.
Theres also such a "thing" which is stated in the OP where as the GT300 cars must get out of the way as soon as a GT500 is approaching.

I apologized a few times already, which i didnt have to. Because i pulled out of the maneuver when he squeezed me onto the grass.
Theres also such a "thing" which is stated in the OP where as the GT300 cars must get out of the way as soon as a GT500 is approaching.

I apologized a few times already, which i didnt have to. Because i pulled out of the maneuver when he squeezed me onto the grass.

Like I said, I didn't see it.

The "thing" in the OP says GT300's must let the GT500's by at the first reasonable opportunity, not as soon as they approach.
What that means in direct terms, is a GT300 car doesn't have to dive out of the way, or slow down. The GT500 car is more than capable of passing on it's own power, without affecting the GT300.

There are times where it becomes fuzzy, and I don't know what happened here, but you seem to believe it's a GT300's job to stay out of the way, and it is, on the straights. Not the corners.:)
Was on the straight. But like you said you haven't seen it so not sure why your talking about it lol.
As I understand it the gt300's are to hold there lines and the gt500's are to go around. If a 300 pulls aside in a turn consider that courtesy because they are not supose to slow down there race. On the straights the same thing, hold their line and 500 drafts around.

There were a few times I waited till after the turn before attempting. I didn't want to ruin their race or mine. Probably slowed me up overall. I know 1 stint I came across Alien with decent medium tire and I was on well used hards and passing was hard.

For the most part all gt300 cars were pretty giving when letting the 500's pass.

Hamilton we tried waiting for a few. Sorry you didnt make it. Ill try to post up some pics if no one else has by then.
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Was on the straight. But like you said you haven't seen it so not sure why your talking about it lol.

Anytime people are at a disagreement over the rules, it should be clarified imo.

As I understand it the gt300's are to hold there lines and the gt500's are to go around. If a 300 pulls aside in a turn consider that courtesy because they are not supose to slow down there race. On the straights the same thing, hold their line and 500 drafts around.

There were a few times I waited till after the turn before attempting. I didn't want to ruin their race or mine. Probably slowed me up overall. I know 1 stint I came across Alien with decent medium tire and I was on well used hards and passing was hard.

For the most part all gt300 cars were pretty giving when letting the 500's pass.
The key here is that GT300 are not lapped cars. They have their own races too.

That said, I didn't particularly slow down in Laguna Seca and had no problem with the GT500 cars.
Official results PAL GT300

Paginas..30+3+0+0=33 points
GTP_Cicua ..25+3+0+1=29
Moleman ..21+3+3+0=27
Filip_Ovik ..18+3+0+2=23
GTP_Josh-F ..16+3+1+0=20
Jashugan01 ..14+3+0+0=17
Johnkiller2 ..12+3+2+0=17
Byggy ..10+3+0+3=16
C-Falcon89 ..8+3+0+0=11
GTP_twist ..7+3+0+0=10
GV27 ..6+3+0+0=9

bonus points

Qualifying bonus points
3 pts .. Moleman ..2:02.586
2 pts .. Johnkiller2 ..2:02.735
1 pt ... GTP_Josh-F ..2:03.017

Fastest clean laps

3 pts .. Byggy .. 2:00.854
2 pts .. Filip_Ovik .. 2:01.063
1 pt ... GTP_Cicua .. 2:01.074

Penalties applied

NEPALII .. D/Q breach of car regulations

GV27 .. +25 seconds Avoidable contact resulting in damage

C -Falcon89 .. +10 seconds Avoidable contact

Johnkiller2 .. +10seconds .. Breach of track contact - too severe for a warning

C-Falcon89 .. +10seconds .. Breach of track contact - too severe for a warning

C-Falcon89 .. Warning for aggressive driving

The whole field .. Warning for breach of track contact

Below is a list of the number of times each driver ran wide at turn 2 + turn 4 = total

Moleman : 3+3=6
Johnkiller2 :8+19=27
GTP_Josh-F : 4+3=7
GTP_cicua : 0+4=4
C -Falcon89 : 9+13=22
GV27 : 7+4=11
Jashugan01 : 4+4=8
Paginas : 5+5=10
GTP_twist : 4+3=7
ByGGy : 0+6=6
NEPALII : 0+6=6
Filip_Ovik : 1+6=7​
'Fastest clean laps' really needs looking at imo... Why disregard a driver if their second fastest lap is quick and clean? Really makes no sense, a fast clean lap is a fast clean lap.

My "fastest" lap, I made a mistake, and that costs me 2 bonus points? Same with Johan, neither of us gained from running wide at Turn 2, and both our second fastest laps were clean, costing us 2 and 3 points respectively.

With this system you are just "rewarding" drivers who happened to make no mistake on their fastest lap. It proves nothing, and this system is also not in the OP.
I agree the system may be not completely fair. Otoh though, it is a huge work to check the replay for every driver's fastest, seconds fastest, third fastest etc laps.
'Fastest clean laps' really needs looking at imo... Why disregard a driver if their second fastest lap is quick and clean? Really makes no sense, a fast clean lap is a fast clean lap.

My "fastest" lap, I made a mistake, and that costs me 2 bonus points? Same with Johan, neither of us gained from running wide at Turn 2, and both our second fastest laps were clean, costing us 2 and 3 points respectively.

With this system you are just "rewarding" drivers who happened to make no mistake on their fastest lap. It proves nothing, and this system is also not in the OP.

It has taken me 4 days of going through replays to get to this point. You can see from the numbers above how many dirty laps there were in the race. Everyone's fastest lap was checked for cleanliness, the fastest ones gained the points.
I agree with twisted I'm afraid if a qualifying lap should be dirty by running wide at certain corners then why should a fastest lap be classed as clean for running wide?
Paginas: What about this situation:

Driver 1
Fastest Lap: 2:01.825 (Dirty)
Second Fastest Lap: 2:01.900 (Clean)

Driver 2
Fastest Lap: 2:02.335 (Clean)
Second Fastest Lap: 2:02.534 (Clean)

Why does Driver 2 get the points for fastest lap? It doesn't make sense. Even in qualifying you have two chances!! Here you have one apparently! Don't know where that is in the OP! If it was in the OP maybe I'd take more care on what I know will be my fastest lap... Don't make rules up, is my point.

It doesn't take long, if a driver's lap is in question, for that driver to say "My fastest clean lap was on Lap xx" - and for that lap to be checked by any steward. Surely that makes more sense. Otherwise if every driver makes a mistake on their 'fastest lap', the 3 bonus points can go to someone doing laptimes 5 seconds off the pace if they happened to have the skills to keep their car within the white lines for that one stunning lap.

And why did you check everyone's race, twisted? Surely not everyone was reported for driving outside of track limits?
Paginas: What about this situation:

Driver 1
Fastest Lap: 2:01.825 (Dirty)
Second Fastest Lap: 2:01.900 (Clean)

Driver 2
Fastest Lap: 2:02.335 (Clean)
Second Fastest Lap: 2:02.534 (Clean)

Why does Driver 2 get the points for fastest lap? It doesn't make sense. Even in qualifying you have two chances!! Here you have one apparently! Don't know where that is in the OP! If it was in the OP maybe I'd take more care on what I know will be my fastest lap... Don't make rules up, is my point.

It doesn't take long, if a driver's lap is in question, for that driver to say "My fastest clean lap was on Lap xx" - and for that lap to be checked by any steward. Surely that makes more sense. Otherwise if every driver makes a mistake on their 'fastest lap', the 3 bonus points can go to someone doing laptimes 5 seconds off the pace if they happened to have the skills to keep their car within the white lines for that one stunning lap.

And why did you check everyone's race, twisted? Surely not everyone was reported for driving outside of track limits?

The information was passed to me. So, yes , I suppose everyone was reported.
I had already checked a few drivers, who I noticed during the race running wide a little too often.
'Fastest clean laps' really needs looking at imo... Why disregard a driver if their second fastest lap is quick and clean? Really makes no sense, a fast clean lap is a fast clean lap.

My "fastest" lap, I made a mistake, and that costs me 2 bonus points? Same with Johan, neither of us gained from running wide at Turn 2, and both our second fastest laps were clean, costing us 2 and 3 points respectively.

With this system you are just "rewarding" drivers who happened to make no mistake on their fastest lap. It proves nothing, and this system is also not in the OP.
So by this logic I could have just gone straight thru the grass and skipped the Veedol chicane completely and gained 3 pts then.AWESOME.👍👍

Fastest lap has too be qualifying spec to count for any points.The fact that it was overlooked in the OP is a mistake sure but this cant be an excuse to shortcut the other driving rules to gain bonus points.

My personal feeling about the whole fast lap points thing is it can be influenced too much by the draft and is therefore irrelevant.I would just drop this category from the standings.
That's not what I said, Iforce :)

A dirty lap remains dirty. But your fastest clean lap should still count.
My personal feeling about the whole fast lap points thing is it can be influenced too much by the draft and is therefore irrelevant.I would just drop this category from the standings.

could be an idea, however as we have already started it i supose we best stick to plan however i would consider it for next season

and yes i see your point now mole, didnt quite understand at first. i hve not looked at fastest laps so cannot comment
I agree fastest laps need to be clean.

I also agree a drivers second fastest lap should be eligible for fastest lap, if their fastest lap is dirty.

We already have a penalty system in place for running track cutting. If we think someone is doing it intentionally, or even accidentally too often, they get penalized.
Penalties applied

NEPALII .. D/Q breach of car regulations

GV27 .. +25 seconds Avoidable contact resulting in damage

C -Falcon89 .. +10 seconds Avoidable contact

Johnkiller2 .. +10seconds .. Breach of track contact - too severe for a warning

C-Falcon89 .. +10seconds .. Breach of track contact - too severe for a warning

C-Falcon89 .. Warning for aggressive driving

The whole field .. Warning for breach of track contact

Below is a list of the number of times each driver ran wide at turn 2 + turn 4 = total

Moleman : 3+3=6
Johnkiller2 :8+19=27
GTP_Josh-F : 4+3=7
GTP_cicua : 0+4=4
C -Falcon89 : 9+13=22
GV27 : 7+4=11
Jashugan01 : 4+4=8
Paginas : 5+5=10
GTP_twist : 4+3=7
ByGGy : 0+6=6
NEPALII : 0+6=6
Filip_Ovik : 1+6=7

The penalty of 20 seconds seems kinda light for 49 track cuts.At the very minimum the time penalty should equal a trip down pit lane.IF a person was to only gain .5 sec per lap that still is a 3.5 sec total gain in race time with 27 offs.

The NTSC race had one driver that cut the same turn basically every lap and was blocking and the points table shows nothing in regards to a penalty.

People are going to be upset and urge me to send out pm's with my concerns but frankly I dont know who to send them too.PURE is in charge of the complaint department but I have yet to see any comment from them in regards to anything that has happened.
121 track cuts in one race...facepalm doesn't begin to scratch saying it.
Indy only has one spot to cut, but when we head back to other tracks where cutting can occur, boundaries will have to be enforced on an all-new level.

I sent you an email from my CSLACR@gmail account the other day, but don't have the replay yet.