Interviews of Kazunori Yamauchi: See post 1. Translations, revelations & discussion.

  • Thread starter aurelio_911
Robin has the right to want a livery editor in the game, which, in my humble opinion, is a MUCH greater feature than that stupid rewind feature many people wanted.

It is also pretty ignorant telling him to go play another game just because he wanted a feature that hasn't been confirmed yet.

I can't afford to buy a second console, I chose PS3 over 360 mainly because of GT5, and surely I wanted this nice feature in it.

I don't like NFS Shift, and I ain't gonna buy it just because of a livery editor. It'd be way better if it could be implemented in GT5.

Wouldn't ruin the experience at all, just make it better and deeper.
It irritates people that you're still complaining about something as a livery editor that doesn't even suit the whole GT concept IMO...
Curious, why doesn't a livery editor suit the GT concept? Because it was in Forza? :sly:
Everyone has their own preferences, modeling lots of cars just looks like it has made the rest of the game suffer (so far) in my opinion.

You do know Forza has many other extras other than the livery editor, GT5 wont even do an online features such as a marketplace, its just going to be standard online racing which is nothing special by todays standards.

And I have posted many things positive about GT5 in the past and unless you have gone through all of my posts since 2006 then you can't make that claim that I have said nothing positive. Recient news has been dissapointing for the most part. Anything which has been confirmed but not seen really doesnt mean anything because KY has a habit of dropping things months later.

And I have never owned an Xbox or Forza!

sorry but all the these you listed are not a big deal for alot of gamers. if you really think that Market place, livery editor, gives players more reason to keep playing. then i can only laugh at your statement.

ppl dont buy race games to play Jackson Berrett Auction, ppl dont buy race games to play name that picture. ppl buy races games, to race.

like i said earlier, if these options are something you really love, forza 3 is there for you man.
Everyone has their own preferences, modeling lots of cars just looks like it has made the rest of the game suffer (so far) in my opinion.

You do know Forza has many other extras other than the livery editor, GT5 wont even do an online features such as a marketplace, its just going to be standard online racing which is nothing special by todays standards.

And I have posted many things positive about GT5 in the past and unless you have gone through all of my posts since 2006 then you can't make that claim that I have said nothing positive. Recient news has been dissapointing for the most part. Anything which has been confirmed but not seen really doesnt mean anything because KY has a habit of dropping things months later.

And I have never owned an Xbox or Forza!

+ Googol

I dont have an X360, My Parents Do not allow me to buy another Console and i Dont have Too much Money, so i Cannot play Forza 3 and i Want a livery Editor in the best Racing game ive ever played. PERIOD.
I can't see the point of a livery editor any more than I can see the point of Photomode. Sure, it's a fun distraction for a couple weeks but, ultimately, it gets a bit old especially when there's a whole bunch of people who can do it a billion times better than you can.

I can't say I'd be particularly cut up if it was missing, but hey, there's crap in GT4 that I like which people wouldn't miss either.

ppl dont buy race games to play Jackson Berrett Auction, ppl dont buy race games to play name that picture. ppl buy races games, to race.

And people don't buy 60-character keyboards and agree to our Acceptable Use Policy to type truncated txtspk gibberish like that. Cut it out.
Robin has the right to want a livery editor in the game, which, in my humble opinion, is a MUCH greater feature than that stupid rewind feature many people wanted.

It is also pretty ignorant telling him to go play another game just because he wanted a feature that hasn't been confirmed yet.

Well, if you checked the poll, only 10% on here want the rewind feature...
But Forza has what he is looking for in any case, so I'd tell him too to play that game, because that's an important feature for him. If GT5 has it, I'll tell him to play GT5 too.
I think every time a livery editor is mentioned, I think number of people here start to have visions of Pokémon, The Fast & the Furious. Livery editors do not equal rice, almost every race car, sports some form of livery. A livery is the natural evolution of taking a car from stock, to full race form.

Personally if it's not included in GT5, I will lose no sleep, but I think it's a natural inclusion, something that could replace Race Modifications, last seen in GT2.

A lot of fuss over a livery editor. In a RACING game it doesnt matter to me, if your in the cockpit you can really see it anyway. If your using the external view, you can only see the back of the car and you should be focusing on the corner/apex.

Its not something i would miss.
I'd only want a livery editor if we can use liveries designed by others. I know I won't be able to make a great liveries but I would love to get, for example, a Marlboro or Gulf livery for certain cars. If you could share liveries online it would be great. Otherwise I don't really care for it.
I can't see the point of a livery editor any more than I can see the point of Photomode. Sure, it's a fun distraction for a couple weeks but, ultimately, it gets a bit old especially when there's a whole bunch of people who can do it a billion times better than you can.

I can't say I'd be particularly cut up if it was missing, but hey, there's crap in GT4 that I like which people wouldn't miss either.

And people don't buy 60-character keyboards and agree to our Acceptable Use Policy to type truncated txtspk gibberish like that. Cut it out.

PM has more of a purpose in GT IMO. GT has a bit of that image of showcasing cars, right? PM is exactly what that does in a great way. The game is much more about the cars than the liveries, so PM is better to have IMO.

"IMO" isn't txtspk right? :scared:
sorry but all the these you listed are not a big deal for alot of gamers. if you really think that Market place, livery editor, gives players more reason to keep playing. then i can only laugh at your statement.

ppl dont buy race games to play Jackson Berrett Auction, ppl dont buy race games to play name that picture. ppl buy races games, to race.

like i said earlier, if these options are something you really love, forza 3 is there for you man.

If racing is all that matters to you, I'm sure you're against photomode either.
Should I assume carreer mode is a stupidity for you too? After all it'd be way better if you could just pick a car and send it to track. GT Mode sucks, only arcade would do the job, is it right?

No, most of people don't buy racing games just for racing. Many like to add a personal touch to their cars. Be it a custom paintjob, be it spoilers, skirts, etc, or maybe only put an acrilic crab on the top of your shifter, and a hula dancer on the console. It doesn't matter.

I myself would surely like to buy some old cars and apply a Gulf or Martini livery on them and racing online.

People don't care only about racing, if this statement was true, NFS series wouldn't sell a single copy, because racing in it is sooo sucky. But still it sells, do you know why? Because of it's customization options.
sorry but all the these you listed are not a big deal for alot of gamers. if you really think that Market place, livery editor, gives players more reason to keep playing. then i can only laugh at your statement.

A Livery Editor also a big deal for alot of gamers, you obivously didnt see the massive thread and interest about it here at GTP.

I wonder why so may people make a fuss about Forza and its Livery system (its like the most talked about feature), are they all 'lesser' racing enthusiasts in your eyes? You are being very stereotypical about who are who isnt a dedicated racing games fan based on the features they like. If they like photomode are you going to condem them also!

If all you want is a racing game then GT5 probably has too many features for even you! Why dont you get a game which has a car, no scenery and a strip of tarmac... there, thats pure 'racing'.

PM has more of a purpose in GT IMO. GT has a bit of that image of showcasing cars, right? PM is exactly what that does in a great way. The game is much more about the cars than the liveries, so PM is better to have IMO.

And as I say, I don't care. Driving a Prius is about a billion times more interesting than trying to take a photo of it, and that's about a hundred times more interesting than looking at a photo of it. And yet driving it is still boring.

But it's not like having it there harms my fun in any way is it? So I really, really don't care. I couldn't care less if it was there or if it wasn't. Some people enjoy it and so they do care.

And people don't buy 60-character keyboards and agree to our Acceptable Use Policy to type truncated txtspk gibberish like that. Cut it out.

true, but its also gibberish to say, with out livery editor, GT5 is = total fail.
so my qeustion is, what do ppl buy race games for? to draw pictures, auction off cars or to race and collect more cars?

taht same person can go buy forza 3 and be happy with those featuers, instead of wasting time posting tings that i feel is gibberish.
A lot of fuss over a livery editor. In a RACING game it doesnt matter to me, if your in the cockpit you can really see it anyway. If your using the external view, you can only see the back of the car and you should be focusing on the corner/apex.

Its not something i would miss.

Yes you only see the cockpit, but, the other cars/drivers look at you, i dont wanna race with 16 reds ferraris.

In the REAL race world, the cars have liverys, thats the reason in F1 world championship the cars are not plain orange, red, white... they had liverys, or you forget the for example, the red/white Marlboro McLaren MP4/6?

Sorry my english.
And as I say, I don't care. Driving a Prius is about a billion times more interesting than trying to take a photo of it, and that's about a hundred times more interesting than looking at a photo of it. And yet driving it is still boring.

But it's not like having it there harms my fun in any way is it? So I really, really don't care. I couldn't care less if it was there or if it wasn't. Some people enjoy it and so they do care.

OK. I enjoy it. Loved the PM comps on this forum. 👍
I don't care about livery editors though, but I don't know why exactly.
true, but its also gibberish to say, with out livery editor, GT5 is = total fail.
so my qeustion is, what do ppl buy race games for? to draw pictures, auction off cars or to race and collect more cars?

taht same person can go buy forza 3 and be happy with those featuers, instead of wasting time posting tings that i feel is gibberish.

... at least try. Please.
I hope that when I race online I get too see some ricers, I will be flying passed in my german euro modified mercedes, now thats what I call realsitic, because in real life its exactly what you see. You dont see bog standard 600hp civics. There will be so much more pleasure in winning a race with a car that suits your style.

Im so happy body parts are confirmed, I hope I can fit some split rims on my mk1 golf when GT5 comes out.

Im convinced we will see a livery editor anyway.
OK. I enjoy it. Loved the PM comps on this forum. 👍
I don't care about livery editors though, but I don't know why exactly.

So we're both happy. We can both drive them and you can photograph them. Neither of us is harmed by the other having fun.

Chuck in a livery editor neither of us would use and Robin is happy as well, and it doesn't affect us at all. Something for everyone.
A livery is a great thing to peronalize your car... Maybe you are in an racing clan and can put your clan logo on the car... You got each different cars when you race online... not only blank cars...

I would love to see an good livery... even though I don´t use the livery in SCC... But with that GT5 graphics that would be awesome
A lot of fuss over a livery editor. In a RACING game it doesnt matter to me, if your in the cockpit you can really see it anyway. If your using the external view, you can only see the back of the car and you should be focusing on the corner/apex.

Its not something i would miss.

But you can see other cars on the track:)

And yes, it's a racing game, and this is how a pure racecar looks like


But I think GT5 will be an awesome game with or without a livery editor.
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So we're both happy. We can both drive them and you can photograph them. Neither of us is harmed by the other having fun.

Chuck in a livery editor neither of us would use and Robin is happy as well, and it doesn't affect us at all. Something for everyone.

Yes I agree with that, But surely saying a livery editor in a racing game gives the game the most logetivity of any feature is going a bit far isn't it? Surely the most important part of GT is the racing and the cars themselves rather than what you can draw on them.
If bodykit modification is in...then it would make a LOT of sense to see colour and livery modification right? it just makes sense. I cant see them going to all that trouble to make spoilers..and make it unable to change the simple colour of a car?
but anyways..all this news makes me go..
Yes I agree with that, But surely saying a livery editor in a racing game gives the game the most logetivity of any feature is going a bit far isn't it?

Some people would still be making GT5 liveries by the time GT6 comes out. Some people are still making GT4 photomode photos even now. Some are still driving the GT4 cars. Some aren't doing any of this and have moved on to other things.

Different strokes for different folks. It might add waaay more longevity to the game for Robin but do chuff all for me. If it's not getting in my way of enjoying the game, no problem.
So we're both happy. We can both drive them and you can photograph them. Neither of us is harmed by the other having fun.

Chuck in a livery editor neither of us would use and Robin is happy as well, and it doesn't affect us at all. Something for everyone.

I'm happy already. :) 👍

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