KSE | Kart 125cc | Semi Endurance Championship | Season 1 *Completed*

  • Thread starter AnTiheLT
I'm also have problem connecting my own online Lounge. If i'm in then suddenly get DC :(
Few times this happend and then i quite because online connections seems not to work at all.
As posted by Willie, it has to do with update 2.08... Before this update I had 1-2 DC all 2 months, since 2.08 I have 5-6/day :yuck:
I'm also had first time lagging problems twice after update. Never before :(
I just tried to go my own Lounge and get ... Fail to create room!
To Willie: 👍
To PD: 👎

But lets say, race didn't take place because of a hurricane acting over Autumn Ring and Cape Ring :lol:
Damn you PD, making me have to change stuff on my iPod calender. I knew this would happen anyway. I was suppose to run two long races yesterday but couldn't create the room without it imploding minutes later.
At least yesterday/night there was still problem to get lounge (error creating room).
I still get a lot of errors when joining community lounges. Open lobby is fine (although I still get the dreaded black screen sometimes), but community lounges are 50/50.

Once, I couldn't even join my own lounge :lol:
I thought the servers were good to go 100%?? I didn't have any problems yesterday.....

I did the same stuff yesterday and the online server is up and running again, yay!

Lets hope your guys are right, and everything goes as planned tomorrow :)
Lets hope your guys are right, and everything goes as planned tomorrow :)

I also hope that m8, we have to finish the race that could not be done the previous weekend 👍
I will check out if the server has no problems
The server seems to work fine but just now I tried to join a friends lounge and it takes some time, but I'm not surprised that it shows me that I'm disconnected for unknown reasons, just try to keep an eye on this, my only hope is we can do that race tomorrow
Last night we had black screens and DCs so server problems still exists (community lounge).
I don't will say that the servers are good (experienced these last 3 days).
It's true that they are a bit better but still far from what it was before update!
btw, message in the in-game news still says: "online service interruption"!!!
In fact, the service is very irregular. It works well during 1-2 hours, then problems during 30min...an so on...

I'll open the practice room in a hour from now:tup:
Some great driving yesterday guys, and everyone except 1 driver did the pitstops flawless on both of the tracks :)

GTRP_Geist, 3 poles out of 4 is crazy man :scared:

Based on the replays it looks like it was some clean races, but if anyone have something to discuss, please write to me, or Tony/seslab over psn / pm.

Also it seems that the servers are getting a bit more stable, than last week, only 1 disconnect happend to jam_my21 but fortunately it was after he crossed the finish line 👍

Next races are Tsukuba & Gran Valley Speedway Reverse
Yes it was great racing yesterday, no problems with the servers like the other week:tup:

Hope I didn't get in anyones way during 1st race, was lapped 5, times, you guys are just so quick:) Couple of spins during the race, track is very different in reverse.

Second race better no spins, had a couple of fights, with people, just kept my speed up.

I find these karts much better to drive than the one last season, was for ever spining:nervous: