SCEE Gamescom presentation 3 hours. Surely GT5 time?

  • Thread starter Kingdizzi
And we’re off. Sony just confirmed a massive press conference for GamesCom. Details:

SCEE Press Conference - Tuesday 18th August, 18.00 - 21.00

We’re hearing that the firm has huge plans for the show, so you want to be watching very, very carefully. Price cuts? Slims? Doubleclick. Don’t ****ing blink.

We’ll have the ultimate liveblog or die trying. So pumped.

I'm sorry but it's hard to not get excited here, GT5:P blowout was at GDC and Gamescon is this year's GDC. EU is where Gran Turismo is the biggest in comparison to NA and Japan so yeah I'm willing to bet my snickers bar it will be there at Gamescom.......and I love snickers. :scared:

The 3 hours includes drinks and what not so the actual presentation should be more along the lines of 90 minutes or so. Anyway it's still long and I'm just going by memory on the GT5:P blowout. Don't shoot the messenger. :P
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Wasnt the GT5P "blowout" at the PlayStation Premiere Party? And the GDC is something completely different (Games Developers Conference, which is in San Francisco).

EDIT: Thanks for the headsup though, 3 hours is very long.
You never know, they could give us another short trailer! But i have to agree with, the others. Probably will not get anything until the Tokyo Game Show!
I Bet my NFS:Undercover PS3 game that we'll get another short trailer, but im really excited for a trailer, Polyphony always reveals something good in their trailers :D, and Im Almost sure the "Big Thing" Will come At TGS.

P.D: Thats my bet, i know its not worth a penny :P
Sony is having a 3 hour press conference?

GT5 or not, I want to know what they are doing. You don't plan a 3 hour, or even 90 minute, presentation just to rehash old news.

They have something planned, but it may just be more info for previously announced stuff and maybe an update to the motion control tech demo stuff.

Or, they will announce a slim model or a new SKU.

Whatever it is, consider my interest piqued.
I found Undercover to be deplorable. Not that I hate on it.
hahah,i did hate the game, but enough Off Topic.

This CamesCom is Kinda weird, 3 Hours?...smells like PS3 Slim, Old PS3 Price Cut, New PSP-Go Titles, Improved Motion Controller Demo, Maybe Kaz talking about GTPSP, and a good Video of GT5....Maybe God of War 3 Playable Demo, Who knows.:)
This is the first GamesCom ever, we will see.
The Games Convention from the last years was huge, it also had some nice surprises here and there, but nothing too serious, i hope the GamesCom will finally change that.
Sony's E3 press conference was only two hours long and E3 is pretty much the biggest source of news on the calendar. Even if they're announcing a slim PS3, three hours is still a lot... We already covered pretty much everything that's new and coming out for the PS3 and PSP (even the PSP Go). I can't see how there's enough stuff to talk about for a full three hours.

Anyway, we might get another trailer for GT5 and I think it's pretty likely. As for a huge showing? I don't know. Kaz probably wants to wait until TGS for his big bang but perhaps we could learn some more details here and see some more footage.
Anyway, we might get another trailer for GT5 and I think it's pretty likely. As for a huge showing? I don't know. Kaz probably wants to wait until TGS for his big bang but perhaps we could learn some more details here and see some more footage.
...and the release date.
Well, as I can remember, Prologue's info was revealed at GC 07 so hopefully we will hear something new about GT5 :)
Komsija, samo mi reci da planiras da putujes negde sredinom sledeceg meseca i sve ce mi biti jasno :dopey:
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Maybe. It's not like a 2009 release is clear at this point anyway. However, PD may try to steal Forza 3's thunder by announcing a 2009 release date before FM3 has time to hit the shelves. We'll see.
We all remember the word "soon", now, we will soon know how "soon" was "soon", is it "soon" as one month (GC) or is it "soon" as two months (TGS) :D
Damn, PD is living in some special times, maybe they're using black hole :D
Sony's E3 press conference was only two hours long and E3 is pretty much the biggest source of news on the calendar. Even if they're announcing a slim PS3, three hours is still a lot... We already covered pretty much everything that's new and coming out for the PS3 and PSP (even the PSP Go). I can't see how there's enough stuff to talk about for a full three hours.

Anyway, we might get another trailer for GT5 and I think it's pretty likely. As for a huge showing? I don't know. Kaz probably wants to wait until TGS for his big bang but perhaps we could learn some more details here and see some more footage.

Yeah, I think this is most likely. Trailer at GamesCom and then blowout at TGS.
well finally had to register ...

guys, GC is 31. July - 2. August 2009 ... so i think its a little strange that SCEE will hold a press conference 2 weeks after the convention.
if they annouce it at TGS (end of september) I doubt we are going to see GT5 before january-february 2010:nervous:

I agree with you, they gave us the release date of GT: PSP 4 months before the game will hit the shelves, so as you say an announce at TGS would mean a 2010 release.

Hopefully, if they give us the date at GDC it would confirm what amar have said: a november/december 2009 release.