GTP - Your WORST 5 Films of All Time

  • Thread starter Famine
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This is a list of the top 100 worst films of all time, at least according to users of The Internet Movie Database. Looks like 'Karate Cop' takes the honour with an average rating of...1.5 out 10! Fortunately I haven't seen it!:sly:
Eeek! I own number 9, and 32. Actually, rather my boys do. Yeah, I'll just pin this one on them.

75. Laserblast 👍

This is a list of the top 100 worst films of all time, at least according to users of The Internet Movie Database. Looks like 'Karate Cop' takes the honour with an average rating of...1.5 out 10! Fortunately I haven't seen it!:sly:

It's actually a list of 'The top 100 worst films of all time that don't star Dennis Quaid in them'. Because everyone knows that the movies that he has been in are by far the worst films of all time, it didn't feel the need to mention them.
napoleon dynamite is the type of movie that only the younger more openminded people can enjoy :P
A am young (it came out when I was 15), and I'm a very open-minded person. I still thought it was a pile of crap.
Open Water - So so boring.

Star Wars - Revenge Of The Sith - Got invited to see this with my friend for his b,day. Nearly fell asleep a couple of times.

Altlantis - Kiddy film I know, at the end of every year at my Primary School, we used to watch a film, it was always Atlantis, and it was always really crappy.

Charlie And The Choclate Factory - Another kiddy crap film, I hate it, extremelly stupid.

Can only think of 4 for now :(

This is a list of the top 100 worst films of all time, at least according to users of The Internet Movie Database. Looks like 'Karate Cop' takes the honour with an average rating of...1.5 out 10! Fortunately I haven't seen it!:sly:
I don't think I've seen any of those films. At least not on purpose... I have heard of a few but usually I can spot a bad film a mile away.
How could i forget the Star Wars'. I hated 2,3,4,5,6 so much, yes i actualy quite liked Episode 1.
But Episode 3, was absolutely terrible. Haiden Christensen is the worst actor alive, but it might only be in that film, cause Lucas even made Natalie Portman seem wooden.

And yes i did like Daredevil. And the directos cut, its much better.
Lucas even made Natalie Portman seem wooden.

Yeah - he must be some kind of genius to be able to hide her acting talent...
I dont own any of the 100 from IMDB (thank god, ohh and my great taste in movies)

here is my top 5 in reverse order

5. Last Samurai
4. Armageddon
3. 8 Mile
2. Gladiator
1. U571
I dont own any of the 100 from IMDB (thank god, ohh and my great taste in movies)

here is my top 5 in reverse order

5. Last Samurai
4. Armageddon
3. 8 Mile
2. Gladiator
1. U571
My goodness. I didn't like Gladiator either, but 2nd worst seems bit harsh. :D

As for the IMDB's list, I've seen only a handful. I agree with most of the list(then again, I've never heard of most), but I was shocked to see "Bad News Bears Goes To Japan". Granted, I was in 6th grade or something when I saw it, but I thought it was OK.......
I like Last Samurai, U571, 8 mile & Armageddon.

Assuming your being sarchastic Famine, how can you think Natalie Portman is a bad actress! Have you not seen Leon or Closer?
I like Last Samurai, U571, 8 mile & Armageddon.

Assuming your being sarchastic Famine, how can you think Natalie Portman is a bad actress! Have you not seen Leon or Closer?

Yes. Yes I have.

Natalie Portman's acting skills are of a level in Leon that she almost gets out-acted by her pot plant and a 2 pint milk carton. In Closer she's even worse than Clive "So wooden that pairs of animals keep trying to board him" Owen - and that's like failing at being a failure.
Hmm, i think someone needs there brain (eyes & ears!) checked.

I would also like to add Two for the Money in my worse films ever. This is the 3rd film i've had to stop watching cause i was soo bored. Pacino, come on!! descent films please.
Top 5? Well, I'd have to edit this post later as I can't remember all the bad movies I've seen, but I'll nominate 2.
Fargo, and Anchorman. I don't care what you say, I couldn't stand it. I managed to get through it once, but when someone started to play it again, I left the room.

I can't stand it. Will was ridiculously stupid in that movie.
Hmm, i think someone needs there brain (eyes & ears!) checked.

Yes, anyone who thinks that Natalie Portman can act better than a botoxed chest of drawers.

She's still better than Andie "isitrainingihadntnoticed" McDowell though.
Assuming your being sarchastic Famine, how can you think Natalie Portman is a bad actress! Have you not seen Leon or Closer?
Have you ever seen anything but one of her promotional stills?

The crappy Star Wars dialogue aside, I've seen more emotion from the logs I burn in my fireplace. And I'm even talking about movies other than the dreadful Episodes 1-3. She just has zero talent.

You young guys who think she can act are thinking with the little head, not the big one. And she just ain't that cute, either. At least not cute enough to save her absolutely lead-sinker delivery.

If she was on a 900 number, she'd starve to death.
OK I may be late but here we go (in no particular order)

Forrest Gump - Now I am more than aware that I may get called on this on, but personally the entire film winds me up. Hank's is so much more capable that this tosh.

Four Weddings and a Funeral (and all that followed it) - A hateful piece of film making that shaped , dominated and ruined any hope British film making had for far to long.

Running Man - A bloody poor film to start off with, but if you have read the book (which is the base for a potentialy good film) you will understand even more.

Johnny Mnemonic - If you have seen it you will know why, if you haven't seen it don't waste your time. Big dissapointment for Gibson fans.

Any Woody Allen film - Again potentialy problematic, but I just do not find him funny, just sad and neurotic, and before anyone says anything, not in a funny way.


I'm going to disagree somewhat on the Woody Allen comment (you knew somebody would). You're right, some of his movies are just sad and neurotic and unfunny, including many of his 'classics'.

But What's Up, Tiger Lily is absolutely hilarious, and I'm kind of fond of Casino Royale. Love and Death is also decently funny.
I'm going to disagree somewhat on the Woody Allen comment (you knew somebody would). You're right, some of his movies are just sad and neurotic and unfunny, including many of his 'classics'.

But What's Up, Tiger Lily is absolutely hilarious, and I'm kind of fond of Casino Royale. Love and Death is also decently funny.

No big surprise and no problem at all, I guess he just annoys me.

Still we can't all agree, I mean some people have put Fargo and Cube down and I love both of those.

Yeah, Fargo was a great movie, though I've never seen Cube.
*hides enormous Woody Allen film collection*

I'm a big fan of his older stuff, but even I have grown to dislike some of them, and don't even bother with many of his newer films (although I have heard good things about some of them...)
I liked Fargo and Cube, too. Forrest Gump, I don't think it belongs on the "worst list", but didn't do anything for me either.

I don't know if I've seen any Woody Allen films(the guy is kinda creepy). I have seen "Casino Royale" though, if it was the old Bond film. That must've been the only Bond I saw that I didn't like though. Granted, it was not part of the Bond Series that actually started with Sean Connery.
Im not going by Natalie's looks, she's nice, but not that nice. And i'm mostly on about Leon here, anyone who went by her looks in that needs help! She is terrible in the Star Wars' but then so is everyone & everything.

I liked all 3 Cube movies. From what i can remember the end of Cube2 didnt make much sense, but it was still a fun movie.
I liked Forrest Gump, and i hate Tom Hanks. His worst film was Cast Away i think, boring.
Peter Griffin - "Wilson, wilson!"
Ball - "My name is Voit dumbass"

I like Johnny Mnemonic.
Im not going by Natalie's looks, she's nice, but not that nice. And i'm mostly on about Leon here, anyone who went by her looks in that needs help! She is terrible in the Star Wars' but then so is everyone & everything.
She can't act!

Famine's wrong when he says she almost gets out-acted by the pot plant, she does get out-acted by the pot plant, nothing almost about it.

Look up here name in a film dictionary and its says "Ruins up every film she's in - pure definition of wooden"

I liked all 3 Cube movies. From what i can remember the end of Cube2 didnt make much sense, but it was still a fun movie.
I liked Forrest Gump, and i hate Tom Hanks. His worst film was Cast Away i think, boring.
I like the first Cube, it came out of left field and was such a wonderfully sparce film, the others were a big let down for me.

I like Tom Hank's in some of his stuff, would agree on Castaway, pure tedium.

I like Johnny Mnemonic.
Nasty film, takes all that is good about Gibson's writing and turns it into pap (more wood in the lead role here as well).

Scaff (the fussy film fan)
I can't see what's to dislike about Fargo - it's just a classic film, perhaps its just a little slow moving for those with A.D.D.

...still don't get those who rate The Cube though :confused:
Resident Evil Apocalypse - I only watched the first half an hour before leaving the cinema. :indiff:

Doom - Would have been so SO much better if it was all in first person like the actual game. Instead we get to watch 'The Rock'. Awesome. :crazy:

Final Fantasy: Spirits Within - Graphics were incredible, but thats just about it on the positive side. Story line was crappy and I didn't feel like I needed to watch the end.

The Scorpian King
- Tried to ride on the sucess of The Mummy. Just didn't quite work out... Still don't think 'The Rock' is that much of a good actor.

Freddy vs Jason - Why... Just why?! Ruined the legacy of quite possibly the two most brutal villians of all time.
Resident Evil Apocalypse - I only watched the first half an hour before leaving the cinema. :indiff:

Doom - Would have been so SO much better if it was all in first person like the actual game. Instead we get to watch 'The Rock'. Awesome. :crazy:

Final Fantasy: Spirits Within - Graphics were incredible, but thats just about it on the positive side. Story line was crappy and I didn't feel like I needed to watch the end.

The Scorpian King
- Tried to ride on the sucess of The Mummy. Just didn't quite work out... Still don't think 'The Rock' is that much of a good actor.

Freddy vs Jason - Why... Just why?! Ruined the legacy of quite possibly the two most brutal villians of all time.

Three points spring to mind from reading Bee's post, perhaps they should have a poster with these points on a sign near where you que to pay for your tickets?

1) A film version of a computer game is always going to be crud (same goes for films of TV shows, especially 70's/80's ones)

2) Sequals are 99% rubbish - avoid (especially sequals/prequals of older films)

3) A film 'staring' The Rock will always be crud/rubbish
Good choices Bee, i like all of them! I love being different.

RE: apocalypse - yes its terrible, but Milla is lovely and its just a fun film.

Doom - same as Apocalypse.

FF Spirits within - i know i liked this, but i cant remember why.

Freddy Vs Jason - this was great! WWE gone utterly mental.

Scorpion king - again pretty cack, but i tend to enjoy cack films.

I just caught the second half of Episode III, and I'm here to tell you, NO, SHE CAN'T!

You can think she's cute or think she's hot, and I won't argue with you. I don't agree, in particular, but aesthetics are too subjective to argue about. But that woman couldn't convince me of anything, even if I already agreed with her!

On another topic, I don't know I managed to repress this one for so long, but this has to find its way onto any "Worst Films" list:


Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. 1978 at its near-worst, and that's saying something. Even if you look a this film as nothing but an excuse to do a lot of over-the-top Beatles covers, this movie still sucks. As much plot as your average Bing Crosby movie, except everything is 10 times fluffier and more irritating, because it was made in the late '70s. I bet Aerosmith and Alice Cooper are both ashamed they were in it, even if they were the evil antagonists. I mean, Peter Frampton! The Bee Gees! In stupid satin marching band uniforms! What could be worse?!
Natalie Portman makes Julia Stiles seem like Dean Martin on a saturday night after 10 extra dry martinis...Extrordinarily boisterous and out going.
Gosh, Duke is just so obsessed with Natalie Portman. :P I can't blame you though, she is a beautiful girl. 555 has different opinions regarding movies(I hope just on movies), you are wasting your time trying to argue. :D
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