GTP - Your WORST 5 Films of All Time

  • Thread starter Famine
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I dont find Natalie Portman that cute to be honest. She's nice, but not that special.
She does indeed suck in Episode III, that was my whole point in the 1st place. She's made to seem terrible in that cause of Lucas' directing.
If you think she is a bad actress in Leon, theres something wrong.
Freddy vs Jason - Lame, crap, ruined the characters.... move on. Watch a better killer (Myers).

Constantine - Sorry but really, its just so so bad its untrue, that and its a bee-atch to understand.

Terminator 3 - Awesome effects with the terminators, great to see Arnie and Kristanna Loken was FIT, but the story just SUCKED!.... and I'm a huge terminator fan (even got the leather jacket.)... also bad that the original music composer wasnt part of the film.

Daredevil - Hated it from start to finish.

Batman and Robin - Again, like the franchise, but this sequel is just terrible. Thank god for the rebirth provided by Batman Begins. Clooney makes for a terrible Batman. Only good parts, Uma Thurman and Alicia Silverstone in tight costumes. Even featured the worst looking Batmobile ever!
Gosh, Duke is just so obsessed with Natalie Portman.
Not obsessed - just continually amazed that people actually seem to think she has any talent whatsoever.
She does indeed suck in Episode III, that was my whole point in the 1st place. She's made to seem terrible in that cause of Lucas' directing.
If you think she is a bad actress in Leon, theres something wrong.
I'm way past the Episode I-III Amidala nightmare. I don't know if I've seen Leon or not (by title, anyway) but I've seen her in at least 4 other movies, and she's been a total doorstop in every one.

I don't even remember what the title was, but I saw some thing about southern women and their families; she was trying to comfort her best friend who had just been beaten and thrown out of her own house by her violent husband.

Her 'acting' of 'comfort' for her 'best friend' demonstrated less emotion and concern than you'd show some stranger's little kid who just scraped his knee at the local playground. With friends like that I'd take my chances with the social workers.
Not obsessed - just continually amazed that people actually seem to think she has any talent whatsoever.
Joke! I was just messin' with you. :D

Leon: The Professional is a great film. If you haven't seen it, you should rent it. It's actually worth owning IMO. Gary Oldman was worth billion dollars in that movie!
Constantine was pretty cack wernt it. Keanu Reeves, now theres a bad actor. Good in the Matrix's tho.
Ok, i've got one to win it all.

Broken Flowers with (sad to say) Bill Murray. The most pointless movie i've ever seen. I was so awed by this movies lack of a point that I continued to watch it through to the end then wanted to shoot myself for wasting the time afterwards.

If you are a sadist, watch this movie.
Ok, i've got one to win it all.

Broken Flowers with (sad to say) Bill Murray. The most pointless movie i've ever seen. I was so awed by this movies lack of a point that I continued to watch it through to the end then wanted to shoot myself for wasting the time afterwards.

If you are a sadist, watch this movie.
Interesting. This movie was highly recommended by couple of people to me. I guess I'll have to rent it now!
The worst film by far that i have seen is a film called "Blazin". Last year some time me and a couple of mates wandered into blockbuster to get a film and my friend Steve picks out this film. He promises that it will be good because its features the rapper Fat Joe, now bearing in mind i dont particularly like fat joe it wasnt really doing anything to boost my confidence about the said film. Why a film was chosen which had a front cover that looked like(see below) is still beyond me.


fast forward to 2 hours later and im horrified that this film was even considored to be made. It had fat joe doing kung fu kicks, people who have just been killed and still in shot visably looking around still and many other laughable qualities.

here's is the plot

"A pair of teenage lovers discover the stakes against them are deadly in this independent action drama. Samantha (Sasha Knopf) and Alex (Michael Wehrhahn) are two kids from the Bronx who meet at a dance club called Dominion. For Samantha and Alex, it's love at first sight, but there's a serious problem -- Samantha's mother Langstrom (Paula Roth) is a major player in the city's illegal drug trade, while Alex's father is a top man in the Police Department. Langstrom forbids her daughter to see Alex, and when the lovers defy her edict, they discover they're both in grave danger. As Victor (Marcos Antonio Miranda) tries to protect Alex from Langstom's gunmen, he brings in some ringers -- hardened street hustlers Big Jay (Fat Joe), Pete (Cuban Link) and Micki (Angie Martinez)."

A film so good i couldnt find a single review for it!


I think i'd add King Kong in my worse ever films. Its not that bad in the 1st hour, and the action is good in the 2nd hour. But the CGi is mostly terrible & the last hour is sooooo long & boring. I was almost falling asleep, i never do that! Only one fim has bored me more - The Postman.
I think i'd add King Kong in my worse ever films. Its not that bad in the 1st hour, and the action is good in the 2nd hour. But the CGi is mostly terrible & the last hour is sooooo long & boring. I was almost falling asleep, i never do that! Only one fim has bored me more - The Postman.

Struggling to believe what im reading but each to their own.....its one of my 5* films that one.

Worst films I have seen

Artificial Intelligence
Any of the Fast and Furious series (They dont know when to stop)
Amytiville dollhouse
Moulin Rouge

to name but a few...

Unfortunatly there are more "Average or bad" films coming out these days than really good ones, suffice to say that the ones above certainly are not in my own personal collection! (550 and counting)


Indeed each to there own. I loved Closer.
And the fast & furious's are perfectly watchable fluff.

I watch "Three" a few days ago & i thought that would be in here, but it wasnt to bad.
- Bored Silly: Yes, I understand it is a kids movie... But there should be some "entertaining" qualities to it should any movie be made. The movie is a mess... If you look it up on IMDB, my reivew is on the main page (as Masterchief49508).

- 2F2F: The first one was "allright" and I refuse to pay money to see the third, but I have plenty of reasons to hate the second. For one, the acting sucks. Tyrese (or however he spells his name) is a joke as an actor, and Paul Walker really isn't any better. Secondly, the special effects were horribly bad in the second. Atleast they had the balls to do real stunts (for the most part) in the first, making it seem more realistic, and less like an over-done videogame. Thirdly, their car-casting sucked in 2F2F. A Yenko jumping a river into a boat? Destroying a HEMI 'Cuda? An Eclipse convertable as a beliveable sportscar? You figure it out...

- The Longest Yard (remake): Yeah, I didn't like it. What are ya going to do about it? The acting sucked, the story sucked, the whole concept of the film sucks. By today's standards, it was awash in overacting and bad humor. The origional was much better, and it is a shame that Burt Renolds actually agreed to be a part of the remake.

- Mortal Kombat II: The first one was genuinely good, but this one wasn't too great either. The storyline didn't make any sense, as it didn't fit into the game, and the repositioning of characters was quite odd as well. Once again, special effects were another pitfall of a film that could have been alright, but things simply did not work out. If they would had stuck to the baisic kung-fu formula that the first one followed, things could have been allright.

...Those are the biggest losers I can think of at the moment...
The DaVinci Code--Very, VERY boring and hard to follow. Impossible if you havent read the book, and even if you had, you're likely to fall asleep. They replicate the medieval feel quite well though--dark, dreary, and gloomy. 👎 1/2 star.

Swordfish--Confusing and largely unmemorable, save for the Speed 6. 1 star.

Napoleon Dynamite--WHY does everyone love it? 1 1/2 stars

2 Fast 2 Furious--Sucky. The first one rocked, but this was just... sucky. 3 stars.

Finding Nemo--Honestly, I didnt like it. Ice Age rocked though, although the sequel wasnt so good. 3 stars.

BTW Nemo means 'no one' in Latin :lol: Honestly, I took 7th grade Latin last year!

Oh yeah, and I saw that Eclipse Cabrio at Universal Studios, and the specs were proudly displayed: 6.7 to 60 mph, 2.3L engine (or was that the Skyline?), and stock HP.

At least the GT-R had 505 hp and some mods.
Sniper 2! Not as good as part one I thought! And also because Billy Zane wasn't in it!

Freddy vs Jason! The characters definitely did get ruined thanks to this movie!

All the Star Wars movies that followed the original three!

I Still Know What You Did Last Summer!

Full Metal Jacket!

Sniper 2! Not as good as part one I thought! And also because Billy Zane wasn't in it!

Freddy vs Jason! The characters definitely did get ruined thanks to this movie!

All the Star Wars movies that followed the original three!

I Still Know What You Did Last Summer!

Full Metal Jacket!


Now most of those I can certainly relate to and agree with....

.....but Full Metal Jacket!!

That's on my list of alll time favorate films, now I know that like and dislike plays a huge part in this, but I have to ask why?


Someone hated Finding Nemo?


Awww, I love that movie. I used to watch it like once a week for a short period of time. The writing and directing in the movie is incredible, of times seeming far too "deep" for a children's movie. Dorrie (Ellen) is undoubtedly the best part of the whole movie... Except maybe the "butt" (boat) scene...
All the animated films by Pixar/disney are overated IMO. Nemo is probably the best of the bunch. But not as good as all the reviews gave it.
Dorrie's good & the seaturtles "dude" are brilliant.

I'd like to add the 1st Mortal Kombat film. As a kid i loved this, but on re-watching it seemed really bad, the fights looked terrible now that im a proper martial arts fan. I actually prefered Mortal Kombat 2, the fights were pretty good in that (yes i know the film was cack).
I knew that placing Full Metal Jacket in this category was gonna cause a bit of a stir, so maybe it was abit harsh of me to put it in here! But what is done is done!

I don't know, I just wasn't really impressed by it compared to other army movies I have seen, I think I was expecting more! I had wanted to see this movie because it got good ratings from people in the best war movie thread or whatever it was called and I was just disappointed after seeing it! Also, excuse me guys, but coming from a girls point of view, where were all the handsome leading actors? I did like the beginning however when they were training!

Ok, there are definitely worse movies out there, this one just sprung to my mind when I couldn't think of any others at the time!

I might have a new entry in my Top 5 worst movies... although it scores points for being hilariously funny in parts (albeit unintentionally), the plot (or lack of it) and some of the stupidest characters ever created for the silver screen manage to drag this film into the 'it's so bad, you'll enjoy it' category... I'm talking about Jurassic Park III... After loving Jurassic Park, and enjoying Jurassic Park II, I finally got round to buying the trilogy on DVD, having never seen III, but knowing that it was meant to be poor... luckily, the trilogy cost so little that I considered it worth the price for I + II alone, so III was basically a freebie.... THANKFULLY!

First, the good bits: It is genuinely funny in places. The first time the intrepid gang come across a T-Rex, Alan Grant (Sam Neill) stops dead and says "Don't move a muscle!"... one roar from T-Rex and the gang behind him run like hell, much to his dismay. The other funnies, I'm sure, are not so intentional, but arguably even funnier. At the start of the movie, one silly man goes off into the jungle (for no obvious reason) - straight from the plane, mark you... anyhoo, the woman of the troupe decides to start calling for him - using a loud-haler! (which Alan Grant informs her is 'a very bad idea')... the woman's husband (William H Macy) tries to convey this to her by shouting "THAT'S A VERY BAD IDEA", to which she replies (in her loud-haler), "WHAT?" - all the while, the dinos are getting irritated by this utter stupidity (as are the audience by this point)... suddenly, all goes quiet, until you hear a dinosaur roar..."What was that?" asks the husband... *slaps forehead* All I can say is, "WTF do you think it is, you dozy git, a lion?" :dunce:

In their hunt for their lost son (don't ask...), the couple come across the remains of the chap who was last seen with the boy (they were both in a bizarre paragliding accident...). This poor guy's decomposed remains are still hanging from the parachute, and (of course) he is discovered by the boy's mother, who throws a wobbly fit as she is confronted by this horrific scene. Unfortunately, she is so close to the hanging corpse, that as she flails around, she gets tangled up in the parachute strings and the corpse keeps coming at her in what can only be described as a masterpiece of horror comedy...

The bad bits, erm... almost too numerous to mention - like the dinosaur (strangely the same one that seems to be following the party around everywhere), whose presence is only betrayed by the fact that it has swallowed their satellite phone and they can hear it ringing inside it (and later, they hear it ringing from inside a big pile of steaming dino poo (which, coincidentally, is a neat summary of the whole film). Also, the lost child just happens to turn up, unscathed, but dressed like Tarzan's son but with smoke grenades (which he conveniently found somwhere), just as Sam Neill is about to be eaten by the omnipresent Velociraptors... and, irony of ironies, the whole film is just too short and ends far too abruptly.

Still, if you can pick it up for dirt cheap, I recommend it... it's good for a laugh if nothing else.
Biker Boyz ( caused me spasms an sickness.. ugh.. and made a big dent into Samuel L Jacksons reputation)

Star Wars 1, 2 & 3. ( lacks plot, lacks acting, is made by computers. only good thing was John Williams' theme musics.)

Jurassic Park 3 ( reasons mentioned earlier )

any recent disney/pixar film ( do they really need to be that mushy?)
Biker Boyz ( caused me spasms an sickness.. ugh.. and made a big dent into Samuel L Jacksons reputation)

I'm assuming you mean Lawrence Fishburne?
Star Wars 1, 2 & 3. ( lacks plot, lacks acting, is made by computers. only good thing was John Williams' theme musics.)

Whilst these films were in no way 'great', especially compared to the original three - i really don't think they can be on any worst film list that doesn't include The Complete Works of Seann William Scott, Paul Walker's Greatest Hits or Sahara.
My worst list may go back a few years. . . .

Cross Creek. I'm usually very selective in what films I actually coin up to at a theater (being cheap) and I like to wait for the DVD, or in times past, the videotape. This one I went to on a date, and the fact that the girl loved it told me all I needed to know. I abandoned the movie and the girl and left - the ONLY time I've left the theater with the film still running.

Mission Impossible 2. I kind of liked the first one, hated the second one, therefore never bothered to even think about the 3rd one. Saw #3 at a friend's house last weekend and actually enjoyed it. 2 was awful.

Two Bond films make my list: Moonraker and Never say Never Again. Bond films are not exactly classics for the time capsules, but these two were especially disappointing. At least the latter has the excuse of being outside the official Bond world, not part of the actual franchise.

Annie Hall. This is the point in my life where I figured out that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has no business judging films and giving awards.

Oh, damn, I don't have room for the Superman movies after #2. I may have to rethink and take the Bond films off my list.

Honorable Mention: Battlefield: Earth. I thoroughly enjoyed the book, have read it several times. The movie stopped halfway through the book, perhaps the studio planning a B:E II, but the liberties taken in the change to film from book were excessive. The book is genuinely epic, yet the film was a cheap, shallow action flick. It would have made a worst 10 list, but I can't put it on my worst 5. Too bad.
I went to see a preview screening of that (Sahara) in London last year, but when I got to the cinema, the place was deserted... :guilty:

Haha! Très drôl.

Amongst the worst films I have seen and in no particular order (they're all rubbish)...

- Cradle 2 the Grave
- The Transporter 2
- Cars
- An English film about art theft in London, which I don't remember the name of.
- Pearl Harbour
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