Because I pay attention. Because I read a lot. Because North Korea's systematic indoctrination of its people to believe Kim was a God among men is well-documented. Now, if this outpouring of grief were limited to the news anchor and the new anchor alone, then perhaps I can stomach the idea that she was acting for the cameras. But watch this:
<a href="">YouTube Link</a>
Do you mean to tell me that you think an entire nation is simply play-acting?
And you are basing this belief on ... what? You think the news anchor is acting for the cameras because you cannot picture yourself reacting that way to news of Kim's death, knowing what you know about life in North Korea? Reality check: North Korea doesn't view itself the way you do. Its people are taught from birth that North Korea is a paradise on earth, shaped by the hands of Kim Jong-il himself to be the nation that all others aspire to be. And even though we can see the horrendous treatment of political prisoners, the widespread famine with occasional reports of cannibalism, the nuclear weapons programs, and Kim's lavish lifestyle while his people starve, the people do not see it. They believe that if they are suffering, it is for the good of the nation. I can almost hear you asking "How can they possibly believe that? It makes no sense to me." Well, the reason why they can believe that is the same reason why twenty-four men can believe that flying jet aeroplanes into buildings is God's will: they have faith, and faith is perhaps the most terrifying and dangerous force known to man. It cannot be quantified. It defies scientific explanation. It is completely ephemeral. The very same force that can lead people like Nelson Mandela to free a nation from tyranny and oppression can be harnessed by men like Kim Jong-il to impose their will onto an entire nation. You claim that life in North Korea cannot exist as shown because you cannot believe it. The inconsolable truth is that life in North Korea exists despite your inability to believe it.
Before you post in this thread again, I suggest you go and read up on North Korea. Don't just limit yourself to Wikipedia. Go out and find some actual content on the subject. Otherwise, you're just going to embarrass yourself by denying everything simply because you do not know anything outside your way of life. Ironically, this is exactly what is happening to the people of North Korea: they deny that there is anything wrong with their way of life because they know nothing of the outside world (other than what they are taught, and they are taught that it is corrupt and decadent and evil).