UKGTP10 The Dixie - 25th/26th October - confirmations

  • Thread starter Venari
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GTPEDIA Contributor

UKGTP10 'The Dixie' is on October 25th/26th, near Middlesbrough.

If you're coming, post in this thread, telling us what equipment you are bringing, how you're getting up here (don't worry exactly where 'here' is, think 'Middlesbrough') what time you're planning to travel and what your accomodations are (or if you need help with finding somewhere.)

TVs this time are going to be fun: we need LCD flat screen TVs only.

Like this:

1x PS2 (fattie with network adapter... and one extra network adapter)
2x GT4 discs
3x Memcards
1x DS2 Controller
1x DFP Wheel
1x TV Adapter (for Famine's fab flat screen monitor.)
1x pr Headphones.

I'm coming up Friday afternoon by car from Banbury, as early as I can go, I'm staying in the shed at the bottom of Famine/MC's garden (maybe.)

I'll total all the equipment here:

PS2s: 9
GT4s: 10
Cards: 14
DS2s: 10
Wheels: 6
TVs: 5LCD + 3CRT

Number of usable wheel seats: 6
Number of possible extra DualShock2 seats/monitor stations: 3

Ideally we need... 4 more LCD TVs (more if possible) 2 more wheels, and 3 more PS2/GT4/card/wheel combos to make up two full LANs. We should have the space just, according to Famine.

From: Venari, daan, Famine, Roo, Sureshot, homeforsummer, Bad Hobbit
(Moglet assumed to have copy of GT4, Roo's TVs assumed to be LCD flatscreen.)

Confirmed Attendees:
Milford Cubicle (Chief Marshal)
Bad Hobbit
homeforsummer - Saturday only
(1 additional - provisional)

Umming and ahhing

Filthy Splitters

If you're coming, have you 'Picked Your Own' yet?
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I'm still hoping to come to this, hopefully sharing a room at the hotel with some people. My equipment list;

1x PS2 slimline
2x Dual Shock 2 controllers
1x Memory Card
1x DFP wheel
1x pair of headphones
1x LCD TV (if it will fit in the car :lol: )

I will be coming up Friday afternoon by car. If anyone needs a lift from anywhere near the Midlands then let me know. Also, Venari, it might be a good idea to meet up and go together?
TVs this time are going to be fun: we need LCD flat screen TVs only.

I haven't weight-tested the units at all, apart from having a mini-LAN tester in it, but I'm erring on the side of caution when I suggest LCD TVs only. For size, the units can take anything about a foot deep and about two and a half feet wide (so, up to about 32" screen would be fine, if everyone had them. I'd guess the norm will be 19-22" screens, so the odd thing bigger would be pretty safe).

If you want to hoik up a little 19" or so CRT, I'm sure it'd be safe enough (so long as it's no more than a foot deep).
1x PS2 (fattie with H.Boss adaptor!)
1x GT4 disc
1x Button-bashing pad
2x Mem cards
1x 15" CRT monitor.
1x pair of headphones, though not my hefty wireless ones, they didn't like all the different signals.

My TV: GTP 9/DSC_0001.jpg

To the right of me bum. Is it safe, Famine?

I understand that Roo's are all CRTs, though I think they are all small CRTs. I suppose we are trying to avoid the chunky, heavy ones? I suppose it would depend on how Famine constructed it. The pictures I saw of it, it looked fairly sturdy. It's not MDF, is it?

I shall be arriving by Roomobile, and I shall be staying in some Northern place for Saturday and Sunday night, probably sharing with moglet. Separate beds ftw!
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Yeah, I think you'll be fine with that. I don't recall it being terribly weighty.

If I were pushed to estimate a safe capacity for each unit, I'd say 75kg. I can test this by lying on one. But I'd have to be a lot drunker.

There's a construction thread in Premium :D It's essentially a skeleton of 2x2 softwood - 3 pairs of legs and a batten piece screwed into brick in 5 places with 8 inch masonry screws. So there's 5 points of contact with the wall and 6 with the ground. The shelves are 12mm MDF (which is quite flex resistant) and attach to the legs in 3 places (leg at each side, centre leg). I'd say it was quite resiliant, though I'd certainly say the weak spots are the hinges which allow me to fold them almost flat to the wall. But you'd need three to fail for the upper deck to drop (taking the TVs with it). I'd just rather not kill two TVs if I can avoid it :D
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I only have one request and that's please bring your own stuff to drink.
Alcohol, squash, fizzies, milk, whatever. I have plenty of tea, coffee, sugar etc so don't worry about those.

Also, if you can, please bring change rather than notes for takeaway as it makes life a lot easier. I don't mind fetching it but sorting out change when each person hands me a tenner isn't the easiest thing to do.

If you wish to bring board games, please do. The mini-LAN saw an outing of Cranium, Cluedo and rude words Scrabble. I will be expecting all of you to participate in at least one evening of games so bring your general knowledge hats with you.

Finally, if there is something foodwise you absolutely cannot eat because you're allergic/you hate it/it'll make you spontaneously combust, then please let me know.
Do I have to bring my own water? Or do I need to fetch it from the community pump? ;)

Board games? Scotland Yard is a good game, although our version is in German! I shall do a high-street bucket scam, raising money for the blind moles! Laser surgery for moles ftw.
Also, if you can, please bring change rather than notes for takeaway as it makes life a lot easier. I don't mind fetching it but sorting out change when each person hands me a tenner isn't the easiest thing to do.
Any chance of a chip shop run so they know what a smoked sausage is? :lol:
Less chat, more details. What are you bringing, when are you turning up, etc.

[/thread_nazi] :D
Any chance of a chip shop run so they know what a smoked sausage is? :lol:

Does it involve a pig, a cuban cigar and a barbecue?

PS: Venari, your sig is out of date ;)
PPS: That weekend is the start of half-term, so Monday is no problem.
PPPS: As Lady Famine has said that we have to bring our own booze,..

If I got one of those crates (I'm not thinking of the stronger ones at about £50, but around the £25-30 mark), would others chip in? (To buy, not drink ;))
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Come on, folks! It's just over a month to go and we have six (6!) drivers! I know we're in Boogaboogaland for a lot of you (The Devon Ninja in particular), but six!

If I got one of those crates (I'm not thinking of the stronger ones at about £50, but around the £25-30 mark), would others chip in? (To buy, not drink ;))
I think it'll be preferable to most for me to do a supermarket run (or I can order online from Tesco prior to your arrival) as it'll work out cheaper. Plus daaaaaaan and Venari are cider drinkers.

Incidentally, those of you who are planning on coming along don't seem to have contacted me for the phone number of the hotel you'll be staying in...
Sorry Sureshot, I'm definitely coming to this though!

Forgot to mention that I do have a copy of GT4 too. BTW should I bring my PS3 at all? Not that I have much playable, just wondering really...
They don't work in networks with PS2s. I think there is an equipment thread...

Oh wait, this is it!

I can't see any equipment shortages, unless we have a flood of people showing interest.
off topic post from me

I got a job, so since I'm starting on october 13th or thereabouts, I won't be able to make it... but if I manage to hold on to this one, I should be able to make it to the next one... The Once?
The Once?

Nah, it's gotta be a German flavoured - "The Elf!" surely! :lol:


*Pointy ears optional*
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Only just found this thread...

Right, I'd certainly be interested in making an appearance. I'd be able to provide:

- PS2 x1
- Mem card x 2
- DS2 x 1
- GT4 x 1

What I can't provide, unfortunately, is a TV, as I'm still in 14" CRT land which won't really cut it... and I can't provide a wheel either because I'm poor and don't own one. I can however provide food and alcohol if such things are welcome/required.

I'm based in Newcastle at the mo so within easy reach of 'Boro. The 25th in particular is a definite for me, and provisionally the 26th as long as I can be away for maybe 2pm as I have to head back up to Newcastle to pick up the gf for a gig! As for accomodation, I'll have a look into it, might be a travelodge job. I suppose I'm only an hour away from either home or uni in 'Boro, so at the worst I can just drive there and back, or catch a train.
homeforsummer: I have the number of a pub 2 minutes away from us which has cheap accommodation, even cheaper if you bunk with someone. There are no Travelodges nearby.
Ah nice one, well then that begs the question, anyone going who hasn't found accomodation yet interested in splitting the cost?
I wrote all about it in the other thread which you've posted in!!

Men, you're all useless!

You'll find said post here.
Ah nice one, well then that begs the question, anyone going who hasn't found accomodation yet interested in splitting the cost?
PM Holdenhoosevergetoosever, he was after booking a room I think - if you read the post I linked to it gives all the prices of the rooms and the sizes.
I won't be attending, I am focusing my sights on GT5P and not get sucked back into the GT4 physics which I will no doubt need to do to be competative, that and I cant face being beaten by Nigel ;)


Well that and I dont have the time for this one, makes missing the last one at the last minute an extra kick in the teeth.
Scene - Outside Stevisiov's house

A Scottish gentleman walks up to a door, and chaps the knocker. The door opens to reveal a lady on the other side.

"Can I help you?" she enquires.

"Aye, ah hope so", was the reply. "Is Stevisiov comin' oot tae play?"

"No, he can't. He's really very busy"

"Awww. Is his vision racer comin' oot tae play then?"

The door was slammed in his face.
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