So I wandered around Banbury today, in the lovely sunshine. Actually feels a bit like July out there - shocking, I know.
Let's do the tourist thing:

JT's bar, not far from where I live, and also just outside ...

... the Market Square.

The Town Hall, taken from the Market Square. They had a room, but too small and too expensive.
So now we make our way to the Cross... but not before seeing this little place:

The Old Amy. Er, Wine House. Yum.
Walking down to the centre of Banbury, here's the view from the South Bar up Horsefair.
And another of the Woolpack and Church.
From here, it's time to walk up the South Bar hill, past St. Johns Church...
... and continue to Oxford Road, where the vast majority of Hotels and Guest Houses seem to be.
These photos are not recommendations - the venue site is yet to be determined. They are all short walks from all venues discussed except Hanwell Fields and Gaydon; if we're at Hanwell, then it's going to be a taxi job from everywhere except a mythical hotel which a work colleague informed me about (location to be determined) and Gaydon, well, these are as good as any because it's staggering distance from town centre you'll be focussing (or rather unfocussing) on.
First up is the Best Western, but their prices are doolally so I didn't take a pic. Opposite is the Easington Guest House:
A little way up opposite is the Lismore:
And then opposite that, the Ashlea and the Fairlawn Guest Houses:
Closer to Sainsbury's and the Banbury School turnoff is the Prospect House:
and around here I snapped a pic of the tree-lined broadway that is Oxford Road:

... which today coralled this beautiful automobile, a Lancia Aurelia.
Just in case you think you need help, you may want to stay in the Best Western:
... or if Smallhorses does turn up and needs another sort of help:
... and if anyone else can't hack the pace:
Hope you enjoyed the tour.