week 1 driving skill competition - f40 @ suzuka

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Improved to...

Driver: smskeeter23\sfam23
Time: 2:15.946
Transmission: Manual
Controller: DFGT
ABS: 1

I think I'm done for today... gonna go lay down :-(
Driver: iainn/yamazumi1966
Time: 2:19.943
Transmission: Auto
Controller: DS3
ABS: 1

Not great I know, I do have a DFGT wheel and will try again later in the week.
Driver: iainn/yamazumi1966
Time: 2:19.943
Transmission: Auto
Controller: DS3
ABS: 1

Not great I know, I do have a DFGT wheel and will try again later in the week.

Thats a good lap! Its a tough track and the car is hard to drive on SS tyres. Hats off to sub 2:14, your amazing drivers!
Thats a good lap! Its a tough track and the car is hard to drive on SS tyres. Hats off to sub 2:14, your amazing drivers!

I can definitely go faster, was making the usual mistakes of too fast into 1st corner and Spoon!

Should be better at this track as did the 1000km recently...
I can definitely go faster, was making the usual mistakes of too fast into 1st corner and Spoon!

Should be better at this track as did the 1000km recently...

Haha the amount of times i've gone wide on that first corner!
Driver: Rotorist/Rotorist
Time: 2:14.410
Transmission: Manual
Controller: 6axis
ABS: 1

Need to try with DFPro...
I can go faster, I'll have to give it another go tonight, it's a lot of fun. But let's be honest, I can't beat a Fin and an F1 driver:P

Driver: Mac K/macospet1
Time: 2:14.345
Controller: Logitech G27
Transmission: Manual
Mac K
I can go faster, I'll have to give it another go tonight, it's a lot of fun.

Driver: Mac K/macospet1
Time: 2:14.345
Controller: Logitech G27
Transmission: Manual

I'm glad you're enjoying it! Nice time too, this is the first week of many to come:)
Just updated the times with all the ones in the thread at the moment.

Wont get a chance to update the list tomorrow until late so dont get angry if you time isn't on there!
Just updated the times with all the ones in the thread at the moment.

Wont get a chance to update the list tomorrow until late so dont get angry if you time isn't on there!

No probs! You're doing a great job already! :)
Driver: cooldawn
Time: 2:12.570
Transmission: Manual
Controller: DS3
ABS: 1

Such a tough car to keep stable...so much so I found it was nearly as quick to power-slide through the first corner!

Lots of fun though. I'm going to have another go tomorrow to see if I can improve my time by a few hundredths.
Hey guys, great to see the times coming in thick and fast, but please remember the time posting format... Makes it a pain in the backside trying to add the times to the list...

gjeff12, were you a wheel or DS3 driver?

EDIT: Just updated the time sheet with most recent times, but cant add gjeff until i know if wheel or DS3 :)

I edited it. I had a DS3 but I wasn't paying attention last night.
Driver: cmbeal317/cmbeal317
Time: 2:16.465
Transmission: Manual
Controller: DFGT
ABS: 1

Great car to drive, though I think if the rear end had a little less tendency to want to step out of line, I could really improve the time. Had a great time, and I may come back and try a few more laps to knock a little time off.
Mac K
I can go faster, I'll have to give it another go tonight, it's a lot of fun. But let's be honest, I can't beat a Fin and an F1 driver:P

Driver: Mac K/macospet1
Time: 2:14.345
Controller: Logitech G27
Transmission: Manual

I will try to beat your time later tonight. Wish me luck.
Just beat my own time;)

Time: 2:13.969

I could go faster, the Esses kill me for time, I'm just happy I broke the 2:14 barrier. Oh and formulac, good luck. You wouldn't happen to be the same guy on my PSN friends list now would you? ;)
Mac K
Just beat my own time;)

Time: 2:13.969

I could go faster, the Esses kill me for time, I'm just happy I broke the 2:14 barrier. Oh and formulac, good luck. You wouldn't happen to be the same guy on my PSN friends list now would you? ;)

Yeah I am the same FormulaC on your friends list. BTW what grip reduction do everyone used?
Yeah I am the same FormulaC on your friends list. BTW what grip reduction do everyone used?

Real, but that's just my preference.
I think it would also be interesting to see what view everyone uses.

I almost always drive cockpit to add more "realism" but tried bumper today and picked up almost a full second on the time. I beat that later back in cockpit but it was an interesting test.

Anyway, still curious what others use.
I think it would also be interesting to see what view everyone uses.

I almost always drive cockpit to add more "realism" but tried bumper today and picked up almost a full second on the time. I beat that later back in cockpit but it was an interesting test.

Anyway, still curious what others use.

I use cockpit view on premiuns and those standards that actually have one (Caterham, FGT, Toyota 7, etc.). Everything else I use bumper. I should try what you said though.
Grip: Real
Abs: 1

My hands hurt too much after 15 laps or so. I'll try again later.
Grip: Real
Abs: 1

My hands hurt too much after 15 laps or so. I'll try again later.


We have got the exact same time.
Getting a fair bit of interest now! nearly 20 drivers have submitted times this week! sweet.

Have updated the list with the ones I didnt do last night and have also added an Overall Mixed Leaderboard that has all the times together, incase anyone is curious :)

Surprisingly enough, the top spot is held by a DS3 driver! congrats!
I improved my time ever so slightly. Still struggling to put all my good sectors together though. Hate being so far infront of myself and messing it all up.

Brake Balance 3/4
Aren't these brake bias settings considered "tuning"?

If not I'm going to work on trying all sorts of different settings...
Surprisingly enough, the top spot is held by a DS3 driver! congrats!
Yeah...that is surprising. I mean DS3 users need to be pretty featherlight with the face buttons at key moments but to be ahead of wheel users seems...illogical.
Aren't these brake bias settings considered "tuning"?

If not I'm going to work on trying all sorts of different settings...

I didn't change mine, but I don't consider it as tuning as the brake balance can be adjusted by any person on any car... but it's not just up to me lol

As others have changed it I would say, for this one at least, it can be edited
If you were to ban brake balance adjustment, you would really have to ban ABS as well since the car does not have it in real life. At the same time though, GT5 gets the brake balance all wrong when on the original settings :/

Yeah...that is surprising. I mean DS3 users need to be pretty featherlight with the face buttons at key moments but to be ahead of wheel users seems...illogical.

It can be done. Often there are one or two DS3 users in the top 10 of those seasonal time trials. Wheel users generally have an advantage, but there are certain situations where a DS3 can actually be an advantage. Though I'd say that would usually be recovering from an unexpected incident. I do actually have a G27.......... I just have nothing to mount it on. I play from my bed, which is ridiculously tall.
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