Ok great.
Post 1 updated! Everyone check!
P.S. Brb, out for a food run.
Masi, i have a practice room up - and am offering my connection / bandwidth to host the official room for div 2
let me know
as for the practice room:
What are the official settings for penalties/damage?
PS: Masi, i know i havent posted replay yet - i have it and can provide it if you need to see it , just havent hunted for a flash drive in my desk yet
i'm actually hoping to finish installing some new hardware (blackmagic intensity shuttle) to record a direct raw/uncompressed 720p feed and wanted the replay to be the first subject (it still will be), but looks like it will be a weekend project to finish installing/configuring and experimenting with. I will be try and put a short montage together of the preseason race if everything goes smoothly
*WARNING* some decently serious geek stuff incoming, but for those that are interested:
List of things to do with pc:
Install PCIe Asus U3S6 USB 3.0 card
Install 2 additional hard disks
Recreate current RAID 0(2disk) to a new RAID 5(4disk) setup
Experiment with block sizes to obtain best possible write speed (720p 60fps requires approx 212MB/s write ability)
Once obtained - create volumes/partitions
Install OS / Drivers (may possibly be installed on an independant disk to allow full raid volume acces to video capture software)
Install editing software
Confirm USB 3.0 speed obtained and not bottlenecked (reason for PCIe card)
Install Intensity Shuttle / packaged software
Test capturing begins..
If all that goes smoothly, then i should be able to start capturing by tomorrow this time