UKGTP7 - UKGTP International (5th-7th May)

  • Thread starter Famine

....... GTPlant doesn't seem to quite have got the hang of the starting grid. Her MX5 will be disadvantaged right away facing the wrong way. The first corner should be interesting....

Perhaps she knows a shortcut.....:scared:

100_1220 (Small).JPG

TheCracker's opinion of his own driving is obvious.
and so is Famine's....:)

btw Dust Driver, that chocolate you bought over was delicious *licks lips as polishing off the last piece
TM, the flowers are blooming lovely (no pun intended)
and also cos i've had a few..... thanks to who ever handed me the Malibu!!!
Decided to leave the Thorntons chocs with Vexd. He does deserve some recognition. He had a busy weekend what with kissing Famine and DustDriver etc.....

Brett, James and Nigel share a moments silence with one main belief...
Right, so here's the first batch of my pics.

Here's Specialized doing the trademarked Diego-Vexd salute

not to be outdone by what could probably be the highest point of the friday

Enter the CrackerMobile

followed by the daanMobile (with AMG's AMG not far behind)

the chair barers... L to R are ... someone hiding behind a chair, James (G.T), Nathan (Roo), Dan (TheCracker), Nigel (Sureshot) and Bill (Famine)

I also took a pic of the cars

Is that Dan smiling at me? :dopey: Chris (Mars) may have been smiling as well

Ben racing no one... points if you can count how many 1's are in the pic

Left to right is a tiny bit of Ben's head, daan, the back of James' head, VEXD, the always lovely EXelero, Sureshot and Kendra (GtPlant)

This image is what happens when you yell "minge" instead of "say cheese!" Notice daan's face.

I wanted to not take up bandwith and post thumbs instead, but the pics are just too priceless
It's fun to read the posts and watching the pictures :) (sitting behind my pc with the fabulous UKGTP7 t-shirt ;) )
I must say, last evening was boooooring, being the only one left at rutlands :)

A lot of the best moments are already mentioned in this thread.
That 4 car finish on the high speed ring was fantastic (at times the number would even switch from 4 to 2 without showing the 3)
And the final race of the 70's coupé handicap tournament did my hart go at it like the revs of my Honda Beat being pushed by Diego's Saleen. I finished less then a second in front of Famine in that race.

Thanks VEXD, Famine, EXelero and all of the other attendees for the great driving and the fun weekend. I really have to find a way to come to one again.
(that is, if my hart recovers from all the breathtaking moments)

i see 5....

Do points mean prizes????

EDIT: James tells me there is 6 cos Ben is on lap 1 also.....
can anyone prove this cos its blurry on my screen. Its ok if i'm wrong, i'm sure you all remember i'm used to coming last!!!
so yeah, some thumbs now... ImageShack is being very very dumb.:grumpy:

Roo, Vexd and G.T

Just as Famine said "gentlemen, start your engines"... or something. Close to the screen is AMG, dustdriver, Sureshot, Sarah, daan, (a bunch of people covered by daan), Roo, Touring Mars, EXelero and someone covered by her... and not smothered.

G.T, EXelero (using those to her advantage) and a part of Touring Mars

The backs of (L to R) GtPlant, Specialized, Roo and Touring Mars (from this pic on I started using

closer to screen: TheCracker, Famine, Sarah, Sureshot, dustdriver and AMG.

This is what happens when you say "alright, I want everyone to look at the camera so I can get a nice shot of everyone"

Closer to the screen: G.T, Roo, TheCracker, Touring Mars, Specialized... Vexd on the far end. Famine and Sureshot talking abut who should be handicapped from all the races.

daan showing the cold face of a true racer. Sitting beside him are Specialized and at the end Roo.

Race Idiot's weird driving technique.

for the ones who really couldn't tell, this thumb goes to the full size image of the 1's

Vexd at his usual speed

note: all these pics are from friday and/or saturday... haven't even got into the sunday ones yet
Dual analog sticks 4 lyfe dawg thats how I play pretty much every racing game if i'm not using a wheel. My right thumb has started to hurt, must have been all that intense competition because thats never happened before.

Also there is allot of hair in that shot, although i'm clean shaven now because of the interview!

And yeah thats definitely vexds speed right there.
Nice pics diego
I'm wondering which races are recorded. I want to see some of them again :)

edit: i used to play also with both analog sticks before i bought the dfp, now i can't drive anymore with a DS2
I've got you to thank for the material to put in it :)

Did you say that before or after you were singing 'Ice, Ice Baby'?
I've got you to thank for the material to put in it :)

Did you say that before or after you were singing 'Ice, Ice Baby'?

I actually said "i got a mondeo, its got 17's on it and its gangsta" :lol:

To be honest, I remember saying it, but I don't remember when
Changed ;)

edit: oh, and sorry EXelero, but i didn't wear my medal home. I was afraid it would get broken.
It's going to be placed somewhere on my desk, alongside the other prizes i recieved.
(except the t-shirt, i'm going to proudly wear it to school tomorrow)

And i've just read on my school's website that i don't have classes on thursday, so i lost most of my classes this week by going to the LAN :d
awesome pics D. I think VEXD will be very impressed! Not gonna tell him what you mentioned on MSN.....!!!

I hope your tshirt is liked Bert. I toiled on them long and hard....

really looking forward to the offical results. i always no to head to the bottom of the list to find my name!!!
🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬

I just spent 2 hours constructing a post with all the photos I took in it, went to put the last picture in, navigated away from the page to check something, and lost the 🤬 lot.


I hope your tshirt is liked Bert. I soiled on them long and hard....

...or rather not... :ill:

Edit: Good pictures Diego. Bad luck Roo... I've had that happen to my Goodwood pictures once before...
and Famine for organising such a difficult event. You should have seen the spreadsheet containing all the lap times he'd done on the handicap cars for testing! :eek:
You've got to hand it to him, when it comes to spreadsheets, Famine well and truly Excelled himself...