UKGTP7 - UKGTP International (5th-7th May)

  • Thread starter Famine
Just got back from the lan and my god am i tired! Thanks to everybody who came and helped organise UKGTP 7. It was certanily one of the best, if not the best which i have attended to date. Ill post something a bit more substantial when i have done a few things such as sleep and get 3 days worth of beer out of my system.

Those keychains were nice prizes, I put mine on my car keys! Also the bouncy ball has definitely provided high levels of entertainment. Or maybe i'm just easily amused.
Reading all this makes me wish the U.S. was a bit more compact so traveling to ends of the country wouldn't be as difficult.

I can't wait to see the pics.👍
Really sorry I couldnt make it guys, I was honestly so close to buying the train ticks up on Friday but A) Suzanne would have killed me and B) I wouldnt have struggled with the cash for the weekend but beyond that I would have been very skint. However, now I am in a savings mode so I am gonna start saving for the next event an try and put as much input to helping organise it and the like to make up for my lack of absense this time around.
The key chains were provided by Daan and i agree they're cool! Got lots of thank yous, pics and stories to post bout the weekend, but i'll wait til Famine (or someone) makes an official results thread!

I'm really looking forward to evidence of the VEXD and Famine kiss myself.....!!!

It was great to meet so many people, Robb, Diego, Bert, Nigel, James it was a pleasure! As it was also to meet the lovely Sarah (Mrs Famine to be) and Kendra, who wasnt topless as promised. Great to catch up with all the 'regulars' too. No one changes and yet they're all so different. Sorry you didnt make it Mark. You were thought of and missed.

VEXD's fun prizes went down a treat, as i predicted they would, and i think my tshirts were well received also! Lots of memories for everyone -as there always are from a ukgtp. Sorry you couldnt make it TVR fan, but we probably wouldnt have fit your tv in the hall!

Sorry i missed you when you left Brett, was great racing with you. I heard a rumour that had you been able to stay, you would've been the closest competitor to VEXD for the all new DRIVER OF THE LAN comp. will let Famine explain that!

til the results thread.....

I was more amused by the label printer. But you may have guessed ;)

Richard Hammond is a driving god, pah thats nothing i'm a bowling god

Sorry i missed you when you left Brett, was great racing with you. I heard a rumour that had you been able to stay, you would've been the closest competitor to VEXD for the all new DRIVER OF THE LAN comp. will let Famine explain that!

Yeah he said something like that, it doesn't matter though I had allot of fun anyway.
3 hours in a Mini have taken their toll... slightly knackered now. But my god, that was a good weekend! I expect we'll have a seperate thread for photos and such, so I'll post them in there. HUGE thanks to Carys, Evil Dave and the Indigo F for organising the venue and races. Great to meet all the new faces. Looking forward to the next one already... October seems so far away.
Brett, i didnt know you'd gone till you'd gone.
Sorry i missed that moment. Was good to see so many turn up that said they would...

TVR, you're banned, so you dont need to beg anyone's pardon.... apart from mine... and its unbeggable... now there's a new word...
pick me apart.

No seriously, you may come, but just say you are, then make it to the venue... this will please everyone.

Thanx to everyone for attending, for making my weekend great, and for all the thank-you's and surprises.

Now in true Lock Stock Nick "The Greek" stylee, my thanx go to:

Famine "The Spreadsheet"
Daan "The Tyre-Burner"
AMG "The Patience"
Roo "The Most Improved"
GTPlant "The labels"
Specialised "The Beer"
Race Idiot "The Bowler"
EXelero "The T-shirt"
G.T "The Smiler"
Sureshot "The Polite"
Dustdriver "The Balls"
Smallhorses "The Tongue"
The Cracker "The Cracker"
Mrs Famine "The Baker"
Touring Mars "The Angle"
Mark the Caretaker "The Raver"
And of course the last thanx goes to Diego "The Grateful"
T H A N K Y O U !!! as he says....

We wouldnt have a lan if the people didnt turn up, and we wouldnt have a lan if Famine didnt turn up (i cant be arsed to purple your name) cos he sorts all the races and all the people who turn up to race. He claims to get pleasure from bossing us all around, but im not so sure he likes the control.... (help me out here Mars)

Either way im glad we all made it, and we all had such fun... there now has to be a contender emerge from the ranx to take the coveted trophy at the next one... lets get the attendee numbers up.

I look forward to seeing the results thread, and i'll add right now, that i was only putting a winners medal round Famine's neck, nothing else!!!

Diego, im flipping you the bird.

I cannot start to say what a great weekend this was. I haven't had as much fun since college, to be honest. I've only just got in (11:50pm) and I have to go to work tomorrow morning. So I'll just leave it at that now and write up a longer, more detailed account later.

Again, thanks to all for being such great people and racing alongside my sorry butt, even if you were all in Beats and I was in the Saleen... oh the humanity!! And to Famine for organising it and everyone else for contributing... so, when's the next one?

*flipping bird to VEXD*
Well, I and Ms. Famine are back safe and sound, after "many" hours stuffed into a rather well-packed MX-3.

Much fun was had at this end, with Ms. Famine now expressing an interest in practising for UKGTP8 ("The Ocho!") - probably with my £150 wheel, meaning I'll still be button-bashing from Coptercam in 6 months' time.

I'd like to express particular thanks to, of course, our wonderful hosts VEXD and EXelero, the newbies of G.T, Sureshot, -Diego-, AMG. and dustdriver - I'm still in awe at the prospect of the last three visiting a foreign country just to be locked in a school hall with a bunch of drunkards playing a computer game - GTPlant who bought a slimline PS2 and GT4 to bring to the event with her, despite having never played the game before and expecting not to drive (and being a skint ex-student...), my better half for her cake-making skills and suddenly developing a taste for my hobby and all of drivers, whether at the sharp end or not - without 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th, 1st is meaningless.

I've learned a few things over the weekend too.
  • The Spyker C8 should not be present in mixed company.
  • McDonald's Bacon and Egg McMuffin is awesome.
  • A TwinLAN is even awesomer - we could rattle through the 6-car pick'n'mixes in roughly an hour and a half.
  • Longer handicap races, with slightly fewer cars and a slightly altered promotion scheme are also good.
  • The Clio Endurance is the best thing of EV4R.

The racing ought to be even better at GTP8 with a few improvements and a TwinLAN. The "apres-race" stuff was just as good as ever, and there's several things that I'll never be able to erase from my memory (something to do with fingers, Spec's pleasure at beating an 11-year old at Guitar Hero, Race Idiot's bowling, AMG.'s bowling, -Diego-'s calculator, -Diego-'s drunk test, -Diego-'s version of "Ice Ice Baby", -Diego-, "That Kiss" (call me?), Beat vs. CLK-GTRs and a Lister and a four car finish over 0.24s).

All I can say is, roll on UKGTP8. I hope we can get even more people to attend (and even more confusion over who owns which memory card/PS2/PSU come packing-up time).

Thank you to everyone who attended - I hope you return for the next one and bring some friends. And beer.
Also Mr. Famine, please judge the debate when you find time.

PM's don't seem to get through to you.
In addition to Famine's inane ramblings, I would also like to thank everyone for making my first UKGTP LAN party so much fun. As they know I hadn't played Gran Turismo 4 really before so I am happy everyone was able to put up with me. I can see now why Famine has so much fun!!

The weekend was so full of hilarious quotes and happenings (Some of which I would rather forget!) that I think we'll be talking about it all week. (That is if Famine is still here and hasn't run off with Evil Dave after they shared a kiss - Don't ask!).

Exelero - Fantastic to finally meet you and I shall be getting tips from Famine as to race tactics and shall practice hard ready for UKGTP8. That way maybe I won't always end up last! You are a truly LOVELY person. :bowdown:

VEXD - Thanks for being such a friendly and charming host! I will have to come to more UKGTP meetings just to keep an eye on you (and Famine!).

Daan - Lovely to see you again, Honey. ;)

Diego - you are one of THE funniest men I have ever met! Thank you (!):lol:

All the others - Touring Mars, Dustdriver, Roo, Race Idiot, Smallhorses, Specialised, Sureshot and GT all made me laugh loads too and it was great to finally put faces to names!:cheers:

I wish the weekend had lasted longer and I can't wait to see you all again at the next one. It makes the weeks before where Famine did nothing else but research GT4 almost bearable!!!!

Can't wait to get into GT4 and GTPLanet further!
Watch this space.

Sorry you didnt make it Mark. You were thought of and missed.

Thank you very much for being nice enough to say so, Ex - if I could've made it I would but the 'family emergency' that kept me away was quite bad.

I didn't say anything about it in detail because I didn't want to load our bad news onto people trying to have fun playing GT ... but I came within a hairs-breadth of being a half-orphan (if there is such a term). I shall have to have stern words with my dad for scaring us like that ... and making me miss what sounds like a great weekend of GT too!

I know it may be a bit of sacriledge to suggest it but does anyone think that trying to set up a lan party of "Live For Speed" is a good idea?
I can't wait to see vids and pictures!

I'm glad things went well! I'll do my best to make it for UKGTP 8! :D
Brett, i didnt know you'd gone till you'd gone.
Sorry i missed that moment. Was good to see so many turn up that said they would...

TVR, you're banned, so you dont need to beg anyone's pardon.... apart from mine... and its unbeggable... now there's a new word...
pick me apart.

No seriously, you may come, but just say you are, then make it to the venue... this will please everyone.

Thanx to everyone for attending, for making my weekend great, and for all the thank-you's and surprises.

Now in true Lock Stock Nick "The Greek" stylee, my thanx go to:

Famine "The Spreadsheet"
Daan "The Tyre-Burner"
AMG "The Patience"
Roo "The Most Improved"
GTPlant "The labels"
Specialised "The Beer"
Race Idiot "The Bowler"
EXelero "The T-shirt"
G.T "The Smiler"
Sureshot "The Polite"
Dustdriver "The Balls"
Smallhorses "The Tongue"
The Cracker "The Cracker"
Mrs Famine "The Baker"
Touring Mars "The Angle"
Mark the Caretaker "The Raver"
And of course the last thanx goes to Diego "The Grateful"
T H A N K Y O U !!! as he says....

We wouldnt have a lan if the people didnt turn up, and we wouldnt have a lan if Famine didnt turn up (i cant be arsed to purple your name) cos he sorts all the races and all the people who turn up to race. He claims to get pleasure from bossing us all around, but im not so sure he likes the control.... (help me out here Mars)

Either way im glad we all made it, and we all had such fun... there now has to be a contender emerge from the ranx to take the coveted trophy at the next one... lets get the attendee numbers up.

I look forward to seeing the results thread, and i'll add right now, that i was only putting a winners medal round Famine's neck, nothing else!!!

Diego, im flipping you the bird.

If I came, I wonder what the look on Race Idiots and G.T's face would be.
Cass- how do you know I didn't arrive topless? You weren't there when I got there...
I did depart topless though, I have a witness to prove it if necessary ;)
It was really good to finally meet you :D

Sarah- it's good to see your enthusiasm for GT4 and these forums and i'm looking forward to seeing/speaking to you again soon.

Us girls need to stick together when we're outnumbered lots to one!
Would just like to say thanks again to everyone for their sterling efforts, particularly VEXD and EXelero for their hospitality, and to Famine for another brilliantly organised and entertaining LAN :bowdown:

I will attempt to resuscitate my camera and prize my photographs from it's digital grip later this afternoon if time permits, and will also post my thoughts and favourite moments, also when I have a bit more time, but for now, all I can say is that I had a lovely weekend and it was a real pleasure (an increasingly rare thing these days) to meet so many new faces, as well as the regular crew. 👍
Firstly I'd like to thank everyone there for giving me a great time, despite me feeling quite tired all through the weekend. I only got a few hour's sleep both on Friday and Saturday night, so I wasn't as lively as I should have been! In particular a special thanks to Carys for the help, VEXD for the support and help, and Famine for organising such a difficult event. You should have seen the spreadsheet containing all the lap times he'd done on the handicap cars for testing! :eek:

When I arrived at the school at about 9:45am, Famine, Sarah (to be Mrs. Famine) and daaaaaan were the people I met up with. We waited a while for the caretaker (Mark?) to arrive in his Astra to unlock the school. You weren't kidding when you said he was a loony! We finally managed to unpack everything to get things set up. Gave Ben his rather amusing B-day card (you've still haven't told me if you liked it!), and got chatting to various other people.

After an hour or two, we were ready to go! Famine had set everything up ready to go. The RUF RGT was the first car to use. I couldn't wait to get out of it because in the bumper view you cannot hear the engine with headphones on... I few of us can confirm this.

A good many hours through it, I managed to get down to the BMW M3. We had to cut down the laps from 5 to 4 and cut down the number of cars as the series was taking much longer than expected. Various events happened that I cannot remember off-hand, but Famine has it all recorded on his spreadsheets which - I hope - he will post as results as he's done in the past. Roo was master of the handicap this time. 👍

At the end of the day the LMP series cane along. There were balloons everywhere that people were randomly popping through the weekend. Talk about scaring the hell out of you while you're concentrating hard! I done a bit better in the series, coming I think at least 3rd each time, and nearly 1st once. I spun out on the last corner! We stopped the series half way through due to time becoming short.

The evening was interesting at the bowling. I was already quite knackered, but I decided what the hell and joined in on the game as well. And the second (thanks Specialized for paying for my second game, and TheCracker for the drink 👍). Race Idiot was, if you don't mind me saying, hilarious (hense the name VEXD gave him in his post), as he told be before we started he hadn't bowled for ages. It definitely looked like it! :lol: I had never been any good at bowling myself, but I done a bit better than I thought I would - not totally embarrassing myself! Ben's aim was way off. I'll put that down to the few beers he had had already. Diego was a good laugh too, like Sarah said above. He cheated one or twice (though he'd argue against that - tactics!) by distracting the bowler on the other lane so they'd miss. I cannot remember who they were, but it was damn funny! Looking forward to the shots you took of us in-action, Famine. 👍

Day 2, I think I was the last there. I was again even more knackered from a poor night in the Travelodge.

We started off with a smaller series, but I cannot remember the cars. I done very poorly with those though, about 13th overall...

Next was the endurance. I was on Diego's and Sureshot's team, determined by the places we came in the last series. We all did pretty well here, including me for once! After I'm used to a car and track, I can put down some pretty good laps. Me, Famine and someone else were having a good fight for a while, which I hope Famine recorded! He pulled away in the end though - he;s just too quick... Diego was following Touring Mars, followed by Specialized for a while, and Sureshot was keeping Race Idiot off his tail. I got the best lap time on the team of 1:21.287 in the end, but we were all pretty much even. Evil Dave (VEXD) was amazing though by doing laps in the very low 20s!

Next were the Honda Beats. I liked these, as there was, in my opinion, as smaller margin of error because they were so slow. I came second a few times, and once again since damn Famine overtook me on the last couple of corners by taking them a bit more smoothly. Sadly, only the winners count!

Last of all, just before I had to leave, were the DTM cars. This was pretty fun, but there was a hell of a lot of ramming, especially on the Nurburgring. Someone's Calibra kept plowing into the back of me. I guess I'll find who that was when the results are posted up. :sly:

So, overall, it was a great, if somewhat tiring, weekend! It was great to put faces and voices to people, and was surprising to see how some of you are different in person than online (or not!). I would say I wasn't too bad after not playing GT4 properly for a year or so, and playing arcade-style games instead...

I must give a particular well done to GTPlant, Mrs. Famine and Excelero for joining in the game even though you've never/hardly played the game before.

I hope that's everything. I'm sure some of you will jog my memory at some point. Sadly, no pictures, as I forgot to bring my camera. :ouch:

And of course the last thanx goes to Diego "The Grateful"
T H A N K Y O U !!! as he says....
:lol: It's not quite the same without his accent... :D
I got home, just about, last night. I fell asleep somewhere north of Gretna, and woke up in my bed! Still in bed yet. (Laptop and wireless network card FTW!)

That was an absolutely 🤬 brilliant weekend! The best evAr!

It was great to see all all the old faces, and even better to see loads of LAN virgins, ripe for the slaughter. Although most of them did some slaughtering of their own.

Too many great races, and fantastic "off-piste" activities to recall at the minute, but I'm sure they'll all come out in the fullness of time. (Well, the ones that don't contravene the AUP anyway....)

I'll leave you with this...

Mars - Spec, why are you not wearing your shoes?
Spec - My feet are sore.
Dustdriver - My legs are sore, but you don't see me taking off my trousers.
Much laughing by all present

Oh, and it was great to see you again Sarah, darling.
Your cakes were lovely to nibble. Such a pity that Famine fellow was there all the time.

EDIT: PS, -Diego-, you're for it next time. It'll be time for the old horses head in bed trick...
Here's some pics, click for fullsize :D

The Mighty LAN - AMG., Roo, Famine, Sarebear, -Diego-, TheCracker,
Specialized, daan, G.T, EXelero, Sureshot and GTPlant - all racing simulatenously.

Eat my Dust - Dustdriver uses VEXD's driving rig while Famine concentrates hard on the race.

Monkey Business - There's a monkey on my PS2 and it's driving me bananas!

Non-Tourist Trophy - Our host VEXD triumphs at the end of a great Bank holiday weekend of racing.

Eat my Dust - Dustdriver uses VEXD's driving rig while Famine concentrates hard on the race.
Woooh, he is concentrating hard. Non crossed legged, and tongue out? He must have been under pressure.
Yet again a great weekend 👍 - many thanks to our host's and organiser :cheers:

It was great to meet the new faces and fairly pleasant to see the older ones again too. ;)

Staying at the Rutland was as eventful as ever. It was a shame that 'Philip' no longer does his best Jeeves impresion, only to be replaced by a somewhat less efficient brother-of-Borat. Yakshemash!

It was a shame i had to leave on the Sunday, did i miss much on the Monday?

I'll post my pix of the event on Wednesday - if i remember to bring my camera to work :dunce:
What a cracking weekend! 👍
Arrived a day late and missed out on the obvious hilarity of Ben's birthday bash & bowling though. :( Although the Beaker video makes up for some of that!
Excellent racing all round, great to see all the familiar faces, and a pleasure to meet all the new folks too!
Especially AMG. & his AMG with "cursed" SatNav system that took him for a look at the Humber Bridge! ;)
Also -Diego- for his impromptu rendition of "Ice Ice Baby" and Dustdriver's very diplomatic description of English chips from the MegaKebab shop, something along the lines of:-

Roo "So, would you say the chips are worse than Belgian chips?"
Dustdriver "Not worse, just less good!"

Had an interesting journey back, especially between Buxton & Macclesfield, which should've been the most fun bit to drive, but was washed out by rain which can only be described as torrential, bordering on Biblical! :eek: Aquaplaning central! :scared:

Thanks to Famine & VEXD for providing races, prizes and the upcoming photo series which nobody could have expected! :P And, of course to EXelero for prizes & venue.

More later and some pictures when I get back "home" to SF and can upload them!

and Kendra, who wasnt topless as promised.

Cass- how do you know I didn't arrive topless? You weren't there when I got there...
I did depart topless though, I have a witness to prove it if necessary ;)

Yeah, you were fully covered every time I saw you too, but admittedly, I didn't see you driving.
I cant stop laughing at this thread and the small hints to things which happend over the weekend people have in there avatars or username titles.

It was good to see everybody again and great to meet all the new people. Although it was no fault of mine id like to apologies for the hotel mix-ups, however we did get it sorted in the end. Next time you can all book up your own rooms! :lol:

I should also mention that i wasnt in best form on the sat which is why i was a little quiet however 2 continuous days of drinking had caught up with me. I must be getting our of practice!

@ Diego - if you come to the next Lan im nominating somebody else to get you from the airport, the combined total of 108 stops on the london tube system really sucked and i had a sore ass after, however we both know cass with blame that on the spicy sausage ;) It was great meeting you though bud, we had some good laughs!

I certainly had a great time though and im looking forward to the write ups and photos, then the stories will come thick and fast.

Two races stand out in my mind.
Infineon: a Golf battle between VEXD and myself. We were trading places and I got the feeling that VEXD was having some fun with me. Not that I minded because whenever he overtook me I watched his technique and tried to learn from it.
The other was HSR. A battle for 1st place between Roo, TM and me. 2 lightblue Alfa spiders and me in a white Golf 76. It was a very enjoyable battle and a great learning experience again. Thx for showing me how it is done guys. Too bad for VEXD who wasn’t able to catch a draft. It would have been a nice 4 car battle. Good for me though as I only had 2 cars to contend with and that was more than enough for me :D

Two cars stand out too: the 🤬 Spyker & the 🤬 Lotus Europa.
The car I really liked driving was to my surprise the BEAT. What a nice thing to run around a track. Must give this car a go at home.

I very much liked the 7 lap races as it allowed me to settle in a bit more in to the race. You guys are way too fast for me but despite coming in 4th, 5th, 6th or DNF I still had fun.
Next time I’m smuggling in copious amounts of NOS.

I did seem to get stuck with the worst telly most of the time. (no offence meant) If there’s one thing that is to be banned it is that TV. That telly together with SSR5, HK or any track with tunnels made it a nightmare to figure out where I was. On top of that most of you chose to make my life even more miserable by choosing dark colored cars.:grumpy:

The Clio enduro was fun. I would like to make a suggestion though. Create an enduro that allows all drivers to do one stint or two stints each. If that proves to be difficult do 2 shorter enduros instead.

Saturday morning, my Satnav directs me to Grimsby (on the opposite side of the Humber near Hull) instead of Newark, after 3 resets it finally decides to behave and direct me to Newark. I programmed Kings street and it directed me to an alley I rather not visit again. So after a bit of driving around I find Morrisons but don’t recognise the school at first. I do a u-turn and whilst driving back some mad men jump in front of my car and redirect me to a parking space :D.

Finding the hotel was another challenge. It is located on the A1. I didn’t see it signposted and I drove in to Muskham. Luckily a taxi driver pointed me in the right direction and I discovered it was located behind the Little Chef/BP station on the A1. I had stopped there 10 minutes earlier to ask directions but the person didn’t have a clue and neither did I :dunce:

Sunday morning: heading back in to Newark. This time I changed the destination to Kings Rd and I ended up on the Market Square. Not good, drove around a little more and stopped at a Marina. I call EXelero and tell her where I am. She mentions there are 2 Marinas in Newark. AAARRRGGHH:scared: . Suffice to say that with her help I make it again. Monday; 3rd day lucky. I punched in Queens Rd and that Satnav takes me to the correct place. Anyone interested in buying the AMG? It has a very nice SATNAV display. :)

I need to learn 3 things though, drive faster, drive with 900 degrees and drive manual. (Tall order). If I manage that then I’ll buy myself a very nice G25 or whatever comes out by the time GT5 hits the streets.

:ill: My tummy ache has yet to disappear; it took hold of me on Sat and is unfortunately still around.

Nick, thx again for the invite!
It was a very memorable get together. I’m surprised nothing got broken by the football games and those dangerous rubber balls. Thanks to VEXD and EXelero for hosting this event. You really made me feel most welcome. 👍 Thanks to Famine for setting up the races and all that paraphernalia that goes with it to organise such a meeting.👍 I applaud Sarah; you must really love this guy to allow him to use up so much personal time for this ‘silly computer’ game. To all others, I’m not going to list all the names for fear of missing out one, thanks for the fun you’ve given me; it was a pleasure meeting you all face to face.
I’m sure I’ve forgotten to mention a lot of other things but they escape me for the moment.
Pics will follow later.

