UKGTP7 - UKGTP International (5th-7th May)

  • Thread starter Famine
Just keep your eye on them both.

Don't let them out of your sight for a second.
if anyone hasn't left yet, bring your booties, cuz it be cold outside! Current temp is about 17 degrees, cloudy and very humid.

17 degrees? That's positively tropical to a Scot! I'll be there in shorts and a T shirt!
I concur that contract numbers will be most useful, especially for those of us who will be showing up only on the Monday and so wont have a trail of obviously wandering people carrying GT paraphenalia to follow :D.
Does anyone think I should bring a spare PS2 power cable and a spare or two PS2 to Scart cables?

I'm all packed otherwise.
I'd like to say thinks to Holden for the loan of his PS2 for this weekend. 👍 Enjoy your new red name and the lack of ads.
I'd like to say thinks to Holden for the loan of his PS2 for this weekend. 👍 Enjoy your new red name and the lack of ads.

thanks :lol:

thats no problem :) try not to give it too much abuse over the weekend :lol: never know might come next year.
I did think about packing my network adapter on the off chance that it'd be needed, but since it's made the 11,000 mile roundtrip once and wasn't needed thanks to an abundance of delicate little slimlines, I figured it wasn't worth it this time. Bummer, sounds like it might have been needed! Then again I don't think there was space, I'm travelling with wife this time, and going to a wedding, ergo every available inch of space in all bags is packed with an array of female stuff! The adapter didn't really get a look-in! :)
See you all Sunday! Have fun tomorrow! 👍
Will you have any of said female stuff on, on Sunday and Monday?

Early start, aiming to be at Nathan's (Roo's) at just before 7, so need to leave here about 5:30 ish (we are aiming for 5:15 due to us never leaving on time). So I might only get 5 hours sleep tonight, I could be grouchy tomorrow....
I'll be leaving about half 5 tomorrow morning too.

I've just about got everything electrical packed up and ready. My room is currently all empty desk with dustless footprints all over the place!

3 PS2s, G25, DFP, LCD TV & PC & monitor. I need an estate car!

Off to pack clothes now....
My train leaves at 06:50 in my local train station.
It will take almost 8 hours if everything goes as planned, before i will arrive at Newark Castle at 13:27.
We're all ready and set to go. 👍

Go to go to bed very soon so I can get up 5am tomorrow!

See you all late in the morning, if I don't log in again. 👍
Aye, likewise. See you all tomorrow.

I might be a bit sore after several hours of sitting in a mini....
Just wanted to poke my head in here and say have fun everyone!! Been watching this thread with jealousy over the last week :grumpy:

Really wish me and Ron could have made it this weekend but I'm sure you'll have just as much fun without us. I'm sure Cass will be a great hostess with the mostest ;)

Will definitely be making it to the next one (if me saying we will come doesn't put you of having a next one)

Can't wait to see the pics and read the reports!

Again, have fun!

I'm going to miss seeing lotus350 and being reminded of the Esprit...

Kelly Brook

(Kelly) Osbourne
I hope the next one is setup closer to Hampshire next time or in Fleet even, because I would of liked to come to this, but well the reason I did not come to this one, is because I got some other events car based to go to, and well this to far from me.

However if the next one is not in Fleet or any where else in Hampshire, and I go to less car events next year as well, then I try and get along to the next one.
I'm back safely albeit a day early!

Thanks to eXelero and VEXD for sorting all the venue stuff out and to Famine and Ms Famine for giving me somewhere to sleep!
I apologise for being crap at GT4 and not joining in the spirit as much as I should have - I can only excuse myself via having being away for a week and the tiredness had caught up with me. So if I was a bit miserable looking at times then i'm sorry, it wasn't the meet, I promise!!

I have my bed now, I look forward to reading the write up and seeing all the pictures in the next week. If any of you log on this evening then please, pass on my best wishes to everyone :)
That was awesome, everyone was awesome and I forgot to say gooooodbye to VEXD, EXelero and Famine. So, err belated goodbye I guess!

I was so tempted to turn around and stay for the monday as well.
I know this is ridiculously late in the date, chaps, but it looks as if I wont be able to make it on the 'morrow after all. Urgent family matters have cropped up which mean that my being 'absent' from the fold is not going to be possible.

Sorry for any inconvenience and if any sharing of the financial load is required please just say so - I 'contracted' to be there and now can't so I don't see why others should bear the fiscal cost.

My apologies ladies and gents but sometimes real life just doesn't care about GT :(.
Soooo.... How was it you guys? :)
Great! I wasn't very good in the main series', but I excelled in some better than others. Because I'm so used to arcade-style games, I was only good in the very grippy race cars and the very slow Honda Beat. Everything else in the middle I was taking the corners a little too quickly, as you may see in a video or two Famine recorded on the Sunday.

I'll write up the experience after I've had a rest from the whole weekend... And when everyone else is back to write theirs!
Great! I wasn't very good in the main series', but I excelled in some better than others. Because I'm so used to arcade-style games, I was only good in the very grippy race cars and the very slow Honda Beat. Everything else in the middle I was taking the corners a little too quickly, as you may see in a video or two Famine recorded on the Sunday.

I'll write up the experience after I've had a rest from the whole weekend... And when everyone else is back to write theirs!
Your making me wish I went now.