UKGTP8 - The Ocho

  • Thread starter Famine
It should be possible with vlc media player to stream video and audio from a video camera.
But that depends of the available bandwith in the hotel.
Otherwise a webcam will do just fine, because you'll need to compress the video before streaming it.
It would then also be possible to stream a race live from the event, just plug the ps2 output in the capture card and off you go :)
Well following C'est moi's idea, i have made up

This gives us at least some control as to who watches the camera and is probably the most simple and hassle free method of doing so. All those who are taking part in UKGTP "the ocho" send me a PM and ill send you the password so you can have more control over the account.

Oh, i got a fairly decent webcam we can use to.


I do realise that this address may not even be used but if we do decide to broadcast ourselves then at least its all set up!
Via msn is probably better, since it's less of a strain on the hotel's internet connection.
My method could be used for connecting the UK and US lan.
You need to set up vlc as a sort of streaming server and you can also view the stream using it. If i'm right you could also just use windows media player to watch the stream.

But that's also possible with 2 hotmail accounts, 2 webcams and msn/windows live messenger. (but probably less quality and you can't stream the race)
Just getting things ready for Ochoness. Just a couple of questions,

1) Are we paying for rooms upon arrival or in advance
2) Is there any equipment that we urgently need (apart from TV's)
3) Are there any strip clubs nearby (URGENT)
Coming from Essex MarkT, i wouldve thought you'd had enough of peroxide blondes with boob jobs??? ;)
But being female, what would i know?? lol

All this cam streaming etc goes way over my blonde head, but i've added it to my list too, just tell me what i have to do with it when the time comes.... 👍 gosh, de ja vous..... :embarrassed::embarrassed::embarrassed::censored:
My mom wants me to come home by train.
(going to stay in antwerp sunday night)

If i can't convince them to come and pick me up by car, there is no possibility for me to bring a tv.

edit: i just tested the vlc's capabilities.
I just streamed a video from vlc to windows media player :)
(on the same computer, but setup is the same)
Coming from Essex MarkT, i wouldve thought you'd had enough of peroxide blondes with boob jobs??? ;)
But being female, what would i know???

Well, to be honest I'm not planning on paying strippers. I was going to be the one doing the dancing to try and pay for my expenditure at the Ocho.

I'm really looking forward to The Ocho now.
All this cam streaming etc goes way over my blonde head, but i've added it to my list too, just tell me what i have to do with it when the time comes.... 👍 gosh, de ja vous..... :embarrassed::embarrassed::embarrassed::censored:

Err if your planning on actually attending the lan then you wont need to use it at all. The cam is so that all people who are not or cannot attend can get to see what the lans are all about.

Well, to be honest I'm not planning on paying strippers. I was going to be the one doing the dancing to try and pay for my expenditure at the Ocho.

I'm really looking forward to The Ocho now.

You can dance around my pole big boy ;):lol:

Question for venari - Does the hotel have wireless internet? is it free? Apologies if it has been answered already.

Since i'm now not going to go to Spa this year :(

- it looks as if i might be able to attend UKGTP8 👍

- although it does look as if i might not be able to find acommodation 👎
Since i'm now not going to go to Spa this year :(

- it looks as if i might be able to attend UKGTP8 👍

- although it does look as if i might not be able to find acommodation 👎

Empty your PM box. I may have a solution to your homeless situation.

I also rang The Cromwell and they dont have wireless internet so unless they have a hard line going to the part of the hotel we are using then the cam idea is a no no

Make it yourself :) Doesn't take long to setup if you have a wireless access point.
Don't have a long cable laying around. The longest is only 5 metres long i think and in use.
I think there's one single room left at the Cromwell, TheCracker, if you shout first, it's yours.

However, I will check soon (not spending a lot of time online at the mo, rather busy - plus, I'm befuddled tonight, so bear with me, the info's here somewhere.)

As you know, no wireless at the Lodge. Bummer.

Special guest looking a bit dodgy, which is a great shame. I have a clandestine meet arranged for October 16th, so I'll get some photos to make you jealous. Hope springs eternal, so I shall push hard for an event visit.
Visiting WasteGate's homepage, I came across this picture.

Do you remember this Famine? :)

I remember everything.

When that photo was taken I was just crossing the line to win in a Honda NSX Type S Zero at Special Stage Route 5 Reverse and trying not to look smug.

It was a lot of hair ago.
Right. Three weeks to go and I've bailed on the T-shirts.

If anyone wants to take up the mantle, I have a T-shirt source who will do them cheap, but you have to get graphics to me in the next couple of days to be close to getting anything done on time.

Bummer, but too much stuff going on. I've had to pull out all the stops on being a KiSA for a DiD friend, and I'm so busy being heroic and manly, everything else has gone out of the stone-mullioned window.

However, the show is on, I've been in touch with the new event person at the Cromwell (and corblimeyaintshelovely too) and things are all going fine, although I'm not too sure about the power supply. I've bought a 4-way 40m extension, just in case.

Do say if we need some extension cables as Dad has some that I'm sure he wouldn't mind us using.
As this event dawns closer i have been hit with some unexpected news

A) I have massively underestimated my bank balence this month and i am going to be pretty tight on funds


B) I have just come back from the doctors and an operation i was expecting has been delayed and is now scheduled in for the 25th October. Unfortunately this operation will be performed on my right foot and will leave me unable to walk for, up to, 3 days depending on how well it heals up.

Sorry to bail out on you guys but its out of my hands.

As this event dawns closer i have been hit with some unexpected news

A) I have massively underestimated my bank balence this month and i am going to be pretty tight on funds


B) I have just come back from the doctors and an operation i was expecting has been delayed and is now scheduled in for the 25th October. Unfortunately this operation will be performed on my right foot and will leave me unable to walk for, up to, 3 days depending on how well it heals up.

Sorry to bail out on you guys but its out of my hands.


Snap. After originally not being able to attend, then been able, then not being able - it now turns out that my 'better' half has already arranged for us to be away that weekend!!!! - so yet again, i won't be able attend this time :(

See you all at UKGTP9
I knew I should have taken deposits.

I'm already baffled as to who is coming and bringing what, why and when...
Bummer. It won't be a proper UKGTP without Ben's drunken antics, and Dan's Spiderman impressions.....

Was it something I said? There goes my first room sharee, and now my replacement room sharee. :(

Anyone else wanna share a double room with a house trained Scotsman?
Was it something I said? There goes my first room sharee, and now my replacement room sharee. :(

Anyone else wanna share a double room with a house trained Scotsman?
DustDriver maybe?

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