UKGTP8 - The Ocho

  • Thread starter Famine
Do we need an updated list? Maybe a fresh thread? It's a bit confusing now.

My brain hurts. I think there's 27 people on the list, with 4 maybes, and I've no idea what stuff they are(n't) bringing.
My brain hurts. I think there's 27 people on the list, with 4 maybes, and I've no idea what stuff they are(n't) bringing.

Perhaps you could make a poll for what people are bringing with a box to tick if they are attending?
Perhaps you could make a poll for what people are bringing with a box to tick if they are attending?

Might not work too well where people are bringing multiples of items...
I'm probably not able to bring along a tv.
What i'm bringing:
1 x PS2
3 x DS2
2 x GT4
1 x DFP
and a couple of cables.

Could be that i also bring along my laptop if i have it by then to record races. But that's not certain.
I think we need a new thread to list what exactly is going and what isn't. So we can allow for the needing of more tellies/PS2s/etc.
I'm gonna have to put myself on the maybe list because i'm gonna be out even more cash money due to having some lovely dental work done this week. That ontop of what i'm spending on my car is gonna realy put a crimp in my monays. Well realy i'll be able to tell after this week.
I'm gonna have to put myself on the maybe list because i'm gonna be out even more cash money due to having some lovely dental work done this week. That ontop of what i'm spending on my car is gonna realy put a crimp in my monays. Well realy i'll be able to tell after this week.

I am going to hit you in the face.

And then I shall force you up the poop-hole of the very next person who says they might/will not be able to make it.

I am going to hit you in the face.

And then I shall force you up the poop-hole of the very next person who says they might/will not be able to make it.


Yeah yeah, I know. Like I said i'll know more about my monays in my bhaonk account after this week realy. If I get my wages on the 26th it would be allot easier, but seeing as the month ends on wednesday the week after i'm not soo sure.

This is what I get for contracting most of my work guy carrer, i've got no effing clue about monthly sallarys. I mean geez I used to just fill out 4 months worth of timesheets and then I was all about the cash money millionares.

Ps Christiaan sucks.
I booked the ferry for two cars,including a minivan with all our stuff .

Jan,Ruud and me will catch Dustdriver in Antwerpen and take him along.

And talking about cost and money.We are wayyyyyyyyyyy over our budget but still comming. :)

Venari,the rooms are still reserved?

later guys.
Including swimming the Atlantic....

He must be some kind of super breed as Horses can only swim about a Km at best, maybe he made his own raft?

Race Idiot, does your dental work affect your typing?
Nick/Smallhorses - 5371 miles ;)

That's one-way. Twice!!! (UKGTP V & VII) Almost 22000 miles total. Double Whoa! :D

Touring Mars is travelling the reverse route to attend SFGTP2 this time round, making him equally well travelled! 👍

DaveS1138 will be making the long haul from Bedford, NH for a 3130 mile one-way trip which is similarly impressive, and shows just how big this danged country is!!! :eek:

We'll also have Kylehnat making a whopping 720 mile journey one-way by car from Olympia, WA, closely followed by jump_ace's 630 mile flight one-way from Portland, OR.

Where is sn00pie based?
Really? I thought you're Dutch! Or maybe you are and you're just residing in Belgium.

Well actually I do live in The Netherlands, but my parents live in Belgium (as have I coincidentally for a fair time). So I still consider Belgium my homecountry.
That's one-way. Twice!!! (UKGTP V & VII) Almost 22000 miles total. Double Whoa! :D

Touring Mars is travelling the reverse route to attend SFGTP2 this time round, making him equally well travelled! 👍

DaveS1138 will be making the long haul from Bedford, NH for a 3130 mile one-way trip which is similarly impressive, and shows just how big this danged country is!!! :eek:

We'll also have Kylehnat making a whopping 720 mile journey one-way by car from Olympia, WA, closely followed by jump_ace's 630 mile flight one-way from Portland, OR.

I think it is worthy of note that I'm 12 miles away.

neener neener!
I also went a long way for UKGTPVII

Distance was 2894 kilometers or 1798 miles or 1563 nautical miles, mind you

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