UKGTP8 - The Ocho

  • Thread starter Famine
Isn't there a subtle difference between Milf. as an abbreviation and MILF as an acronym? :sly:
Besides, apart from your sparkle green metallic "baby", you don't have kids do you?!!! :lol:
Oh, Milf as in short for Milford! I was just thinking "I didn't know Kendra had kids!"... it wasn't until Nick's post that I caught on :dunce::dopey:
Right click these to bring them up in a new tab.


Or Ocho?

Was just musing at the state of MIDI music.

I have to say, I'm not panicking... really. But I'm not exactly feeling too organised either, so aside from knowing where you're going and what stuff you're bringing, I'm winging the rest. Since there's some sort of weird magic show happening on the Friday night, we can't set up beforehand, so you'll be keeping all your kit with you until the Saturday morning.

The only exception I'll make to this is that if people are bringing TVs or other large equipment they don't want to take to a room or leave in a car overnight, I can accomodate these at my home. This means Friday night will be a truly bizarre logistical nightmare, but hey, I love a party. If you want to do this, PM me this week so I know what I'm dealing with.

Famine if you need to set up some sort of PS2 processing plant or pre-set-up at Castle Venari on Friday afternoon/night, let me know.

By the way, at one point, the event cost was £20. Well, I've lost count, but no T-shirts and a £250 venue cost means that the event charge is probably somewhere between £10 and £20.
Kendra actually is a M.I.L.F. in the full sense of things! She has a very precious daughter. I'm sure if you're wearing a boiler suit, she'd let you off with the milf thing too!!!
Hm. I think the Cromwell 'lost' one of our rooms. However, I don't think this is a problem, as I don't think I had all my allocation booked.

Well, it just means the Castle will be cosy if there's more people than hotel rooms due to administrative ****-up. :)

(Edit: Oh, I can't say that word? Bummer. That's the 'immediate victory' word when we play p_rn-scrabble.)
Kendra actually is a M.I.L.F. in the full sense of things! She has a very precious daughter. I'm sure if you're wearing a boiler suit, she'd let you off with the milf thing too!!!
I heard she's got 2 weans now...
Overalls, Cass, overalls. As for me being a M.I.L.F., i'm not sure if that's a compliment?

And daan, I fear you're in trouble now...
Famine if you need to set up some sort of PS2 processing plant or pre-set-up at Castle Venari on Friday afternoon/night, let me know.

Most likely, yes...

*is panicking*
Don't panic. There's no need for that.
It's not like there's a Vogon destructor fleet on their way (at least not that i know of)

edit: and even if it is, at least we'll die while having fun :)

so relax, and put a paper bag over your head and lay down on the floor, if it makes you feel better
Don't panic.


so relax, and put a paper bag over your head and lay down on the floor, if it makes you feel better

It would make us feel better too, probably. :D


For those short of accommodation, I believe there is a single room, a double room, and two one half of a twin room now free, due to general faffing about.

I would like to fill the beds (nothing kinky) so if you are worrying about accomodation, worry not, just PM me and bag the room/bed you want.

My list:

sukerkin & 1 = Double #1
Ren-Tec & 1 = Double #2
sjaak68 = Single #1
Roo = Single #2
Stevisiov90 = Single #3
???? = Single #4
Jan = Twin #1
Ruud = Twin #1
daan = Twin #2
???? = Twin #2
dustdriver = Twin #3
Mark T = Twin #3

Oh, and the buffet available is cheaper than I thought, so I'm going to go for it (and you may all damn my eyes, I'll be bloody hungry and the idea of swanning into the hotel with Tesco's carrier bags full of pasties doesn't thrill me from a commercial relations point-of-view.) We'll easily polish it off if I buy many less portions than there are heads.

Table plan is being sorted now, power is available (a little sparse, but available) and bring a warm jumper, because although they've got heaters and there are two-dozen of us, if they don't work, it'll be chilly in there! :LOL: What an adventure!


The marquee is free on Friday afternoon/night, so we can dump some gear in there if necessary and start getting cables laid ready!


Likelihood of special guest now slim to none. Bummer. I am still trying. It ain't over till Whoopie Goldberg dances in a habit.


... and... I've forgotten to book anything social for Saturday night! Arrg, bloody amateurs, eh, Cass?


I've just managed to book five lanes with two games each at the Lakeside Superbowl which will cope with 30 of us (drivers and non-drivers.)

I can downsize this if necessary, and I think I will, I only count 22 drivers (including Queen Bee, for some reason, still think you're not?) and a few &1s who are remaining (rather sensibly) well hidden.

Is everyone up for bowling on Saturday night? Banbarians/local people included?

I'm sharing on the Saturday night with Car-less, who is now not car less... :confused:
Kendra will be just fine, thankyouverymuch!
Maybe you should change your name to Mumford Linkage instead? 💡

Hope you guys and gals have a truly smashing time. I arrive in the US of A on Thursday and can't wait to join Nick and company for his bash in SF.
Venari .....

I doubt I'll be doing the bowling on Saturday, I would like to see my Aunt & Uncle that weekend. Also, shall I bring some power extension cables? Even if we don't use them I suppose it's not a bad idea in taking them.

Also on food, I could eat all the Tesco food and then re-gurgitate it to you all?


Who is Ren-Tec?
I'm coming along with Mr Bee, to care for all his needs whilst he drives. :) I shall not be driving myself, but as I said, I will be there for all activities! 👍

Hope this is okay. And yeah, Venari, Do I need to pay, or should I go buy some nice Lingerie tomorrow?
Sorry all that I forgot to announce earlier that I can't make it... I got an important test next Monday so that definately rules out my attendance :grumpy:

It really buggers me I can't be there, since I was looking forward to see Ron, Kel and Mike again, meet some new faces and enjoy the British humour for a weekend! And don't forget the racing..

Have fun all, make it an unforgettable event and I'll try to do make it next time 👍
As to the bowling, I don't mind coming along but I can't actually bowl due to non-bionic 'bionic' right arm :(. As long as there's food and wine and good conversation then I'm a happy bunny.
Sorry all that I forgot to announce earlier that I can't make it... I got an important test next Monday so that definately rules out my attendance :grumpy:

It really buggers me I can't be there, since I was looking forward to see Ron, Kel and Mike again, meet some new faces and enjoy the British humour for a weekend! And don't forget the racing..

Have fun all, make it an unforgettable event and I'll try to do make it next time 👍


I was really looking forward to presenting you with the UKGTP trophy...

I guess I'll just have to keep it for myself now... :D

[/Smack talk]

Edit: Car testing is now totally complete. The lists are finalised. Handicaps will now be SEVEN vehicle events, rather than 10 (so hopefully we can be done inside 3 hours!).
Maybe you should change your name to Mumford Linkage instead? 💡

That is astonishingly amusing, for reasons you probably all do not realise. :) Subtle, too.

Venari .....

I doubt I'll be doing the bowling on Saturday, I would like to see my Aunt & Uncle that weekend. Also, shall I bring some power extension cables? Even if we don't use them I suppose it's not a bad idea in taking them.

Also on food, I could eat all the Tesco food and then re-gurgitate it to you all?


Who is Ren-Tec?

I'll pass on the penguin feeding method of social interaction. Power cords welcome. Ren-Tec is a lovely gent who is coming to wipe the floor with us. He's scary fast. Be wary. It's a whole Bewarey-Scary-Warey-thing.

I'm coming along with Mr Bee, to care for all his needs whilst he drives. :)

Lucky man.

I shall not be driving myself, but as I said, I will be there for all activities! 👍

Uhuh. We'll get in the seat for at least one race, I'm sure.

Hope this is okay. And yeah, Venari, Do I need to pay, or should I go buy some nice Lingerie tomorrow?

As I said, I thought Bee was paying?

I vote latter anyways. :sly:

Apparently not. Well, I'd say, bring £20, that'll cover it easy. As you are young, if you look poverty stricken and bedraggled enough, I'm sure there may be a democratic sympathy backlash against the Chief Banbarian and Evil Overload of Castle Venari, and you could well get in for nowt.

So, underwear not required.

No, wait, that came out wrong...

Edit: Car testing is now totally complete.

Yay! Countdown is: 3 days, 12 hours, 40 minutes!
Good news:
I have my external capture card installed on my new laptop.
I first had some video overlay problems; but those got solved by installing new video drivers.
Just recorded a replay and it turns out i can record 36 hours of racing goodness :)
(that's with MPEG2 compression, 720x576 resolution and 6Mb/s bit rate)