i don;t want to get in any of this fray whatsoever but i've requested that duke allow my 5'45.1 time to move me up to 10th place on the list. i did not submit the time because i went about 1 or 2 inches inside the cobblestones and interprited the rules to place them outside of bounds. the email sent was many hours before the deadline and conclusively proves i did the run before the deadline. perhaps it does not matter to anybody my moving up one measly position to 10th but it means a great deal to me because there's no denying i deserve it. i have no problem with rudi driving on them whatsoever and it's sad that rules and regulations in gt have degenerated to the point that there was even a question of their legality. i just want the position i deserve.
@rod, how did i make your day mate?? by driving my ass off for by far my worst finish ever?? do you like that? that figures old friend.
anyway, no point arguing my team's death penalty, as it is i am more than a little dissapointed that my captain who fussed and fussed about seeing the replay of mine, an old OLR junkie with atleast 200 OLR races under my belt all clean always and a man who has ALWAYS acted with 100% honor to the bone, for fear it would be dirty, only to find out he submitted a race with an event that controversial in it. doesn;t he realize that all of the fun left OLR years ago and there is a long line of petty people in it who lick their chops at the prospect of destroying all of a 10 man team's efforts at even the slightest possible chance?? hopefully he learned his lesson here, i'm not going to ride his ass nor make him feel any worse than he already does. sad that it came to that but that's life, a ruleis a rule, and i stand behind whatever the admin of the BC rules on the matter.
web really lost a lot of respect from me during this comp. champions with dignity do not go about starting smear campaigns about the teams that are beating them. those are the actions of petty girls being beaten out for spots on cheerleader squads. i expect such things from hugo boss, but web? that was a dissapointment as was web's furious attempts to spot a foul in rico's replay because they were mad they could not beat us on the track. no big shock the bust came from web. i don't disagree with the foul, just a let down to know the spirit behind finding it in the first place.
lastly, and most importantly, i want to thank each and every one of my teammates for putting hours and hours of effort into each an every one of our races. i have never before worked with such an incredibly talented and hard working crew. all of you should be proud of yourselves for fighting the good fight and displaying superior speed and teamwork. when this is all over, some other team might be at the top of the points battle, but anybody who really followed the comp will know in their heart who the best team in it truly was. and that's including my sorry finish, which i make absolutely NO excuses for. i tried my absolute hardest racing no less than 20 hours the last 3 days to get that time. anyway, that's all i have to say about the BC5.
wait, i'd also like to thank the admin of the bc5, Duke, for doing the very best job a bc admin has ever done. excellent work man, you have been organized and fair to an extent i have not seen before, especially difficult seeing how this is the first GT4 BC. fantastic job, give yourself a pat on the back mate
till the next one everybody, take it easy