Round 9 Results! * ATTACH REPLAYS HERE *

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Are you still crying about losing to Rudi? He was faster. Get over it. 👎

but as veil explained earlier, he had better things to do than give his best effort for his team. he pulled a proverbial "i do my lap in 5 minute". oddly, he only spoke of the brazilian gp though as his excuse, an event that happened only the last few days. could it be that on top of only getting his time in a half lap, he waited tillthe last minute?? methinks this excuse is never any good for anybody.

anyway, GRATS RUDI!!!! put them lazy sumanumbeetches in their place mate ;)
Max E.
but as veil explained earlier, he had better things to do than give his best effort for his team. he pulled a proverbial "i do my lap in 5 minute". oddly, he only spoke of the brazilian gp though as his excuse, an event that happened only the last few days. could it be that on top of only getting his rime in a half lap, he waited tillthe last minute?? methinks this excuse is never any good for anybody.

anyway, GRATS RUDI!!!! put them lazy sumanumbeetches in their place mate ;)

veil was working on his lap the day after the races were announced all the way up to the GP, and was planning to get more time in after the race, but his plans had to change, so he didn't get those last few days in as planned. Not "I did my race in 5 min". He has told some of us that he did over 6000km on his race, so maybe you're not getting the whole story there Max.
Yep, and as Rudi noted, he probably lost it by not using the right settings, as his top-speed was lacking about 15-20km/h.

Settings are some of the hardest aspects of GT. I suck at them.
not only that, yesterday i have seen that he was running with only ~642 hp and not with 654?/2. seems that he hasen´t done the oil change by 200 km´s.

but we will find time for a revange. :)
Good lord! Did you play that monster from the tips mich?

7,310 yds , 76.4 rating, 162 slope :scared:
No. Just from Gold 6,797yds 74.4rating 158slope :lol:
The Kart ride was fun too! 👍
It is supposed to be the hardest GC in North America. The only problem is I didn't see any North America around. Its 3,000 miles to the east. :lol:
Max E.
but as veil explained earlier, he had better things to do than give his best effort for his team. he pulled a proverbial "i do my lap in 5 minute". oddly, he only spoke of the brazilian gp though as his excuse, an event that happened only the last few days. could it be that on top of only getting his rime in a half lap, he waited tillthe last minute?? methinks this excuse is never any good for anybody.

anyway, GRATS RUDI!!!! put them lazy sumanumbeetches in their place mate ;)

shut up your piece of ****, you are nothing here to talk about me ok.

If u wanna talk, send me a pm over.

As CFM said, i worked for alot on that lap, but sadly last 2 weeks i got almost no time to work on it. But i was working before alot.

Don´t just tell me any thing in your foul language your dikhead, get out of here and go to your xity home.
I won´t also start saying that i had just 1 day to do my lap. Nope, i worked well before that 2 weeks on it. But during that 2 weeks i had no time, just like most of you guys probably, and so, when you don´t play a certain combo for a while, you forget the combo etc.
So, i got time really on the last day, since i had a visit here until tuesday. But that´s ok, im not complaining about that anymore, just pointing to what max said about me being gay or bul****ing.

Just don´t say what you don´t know max, try to be less idiot.
oh rudi, that's not very polite :(

@ veilside, was it something i said?? :lol::lol::lol:

i especially like the way you tell me not to tell you anything in my foul language after using foul language. hahahaha! what is this? hypocrites r us?? :lol:

you crack me up man. i'll bet 20$ you are MSN right now telling anybody who will listen how you're going to kill me and punch my 4 and 7 year old children :lol: what a tough guy. oh jesus, i think i might have pissed myself :lol:
just pointing to what max said about me being gay or bul****ing.

and for the record i didn't say you were gay (even though you doubtlessly are), nor did i say you were bull$hitting (though this is probably true as well). all i said was that your excuse was as sorry coming from you as all the other guys who have ever laid down a ridiculously fast time and complained about only having 32 seconds to race. it's a slap in the face to everybody except the one guy you didn't beat and it irritates me.
Max E.
oh rudi, that's not very polite :(

@ veilside, was it something i said?? :lol::lol::lol:

i especially like the way you tell me not to tell you anything in my foul language after using foul language. hahahaha! what is this? hypocrites r us?? :lol:

you crack me up man. i'll bet 20$ you are MSN right now telling anybody who will listen how you're going to kill me and punch my 4 and 7 year old children :lol: what a tough guy. oh jesus, i think i might have pissed myself :lol:

well, i guess ur probably the worst person around here, and i can asure you many will agree with me. That´s why, you are the only one with foul language around here. As Hugo said one, you are just one gay man trying to be desperatedly funny or like that. Just shut up dude, no one here wanna miss time with you. I used bad language as its the only way you understand, like.

For that you said, i don´t need to tell to anybody what i want or what i will do, ok?

Just shut up for a while, the conversation here was very good while you were not present. 💡
Max E.
all i said was that your excuse was as sorry coming from you as all the other guys who have ever laid down a ridiculously fast time and complained about only having 32 seconds to race. it's a slap in the face to everybody except the one guy you didn't beat and it irritates me.

Yes, Veil dont you know its against the law for a faster driver to say they arnt as happy with their time as they liked to be.

When did 6000km become 32seconds? :odd:
lol just something i remembered. When i had set that 5'38 lap, i remember Tannis saying that he had one 5'37.9 wich never existed, i for sure believed him until i check the results. This wasn´t one good act buddy, when u say something u never got, its not sportive way. When u lie, but saying a worse lap than yours, so that´s ok, as this is one tatic. but saying one thing u never got its not such thing from a gentlemen or a driver. ;)

Its the same for me to say that i got once a dirty 4'39 lap in the ring, when i never steped into that house.

1st of all, sorry for the late reply, i'm not connected 24h/24.

Well, mate, it's just a payback. ;)
- It was being habitual for you to trick peoples, so i didn't see at which point i should have been honest with you.
- We aren't in the same team, so there's still no point to tell such a thing.

See ya.
1st of all, sorry for the late reply, i'm not connected 24h/24.

Well, mate, it's just a payback. ;)
- It was being habitual for you to trick peoples, so i didn't see at which point i should have been honest with you.
- We aren't in the same team, so there's still no point to tell such a thing.

See ya.

haha yeah, in some part you are true, but lie for a worse time not better! :sly:

But thats ok, i always take for the sportive way, i really thought i was gonna take a 5th or 6th place in grid, when i remembered about that time u said, and when i saw i was posting a 38.8 time. :crazy:
Cmon, just tell me, what makes you be so stupid and idiot with people? Why can´t you just read the threads and be quiet?

ironically, the thing that "makes me be so stupid and idiot" as you so eloquently put is, is the stupid idiotic things that people say. and as for the many people who agree that i'm the worst person around here, all i have to say is that i don't give a damn. i'm well aware that i'm not going to be winning any popularity contests anytime soon. besides, i don't care about the quantity of my friends, i care about the quality.

@fryz, never said it was against the law mate, just irritating.
Max E.
ironically, the thing that "makes me be so stupid and idiot" as you so eloquently put is, is the stupid idiotic things that people say. and as for the many people who agree that i'm the worst person around here, all i have to say is that i don't give a damn. i'm well aware that i'm not going to be winning any popularity contests anytime soon. besides, i don't care about the quantity of my friends, i care about the quality.

@fryz, never said it was against the law mate, just irritating.

dude, im probably one of the few people here, in the group of those who hate you, that just laught at your posts. And now, you really beat me coz i am laughing so much hahahaha. :sly:
Max E.
@fryz, never said it was against the law mate, just irritating.

Very understandable 👍

But its possible for people to be unhappy with their time even though it is very fast.

Just like JMR beat my time that took me 12hrs in 1hr. He wasnt happy with his time and could go faster. Irritating for me, but he is a better driver with settings that suited him very well, so i accept that. in the end it doesnt matter to me as i did my best and was very happy with my result.
Top tune playing now on my winamp :sly:

"2 tablespoons of cinnamon .... and 2 or 3 egg whites .... a half a stick of butter ..... mmmmeltin"...:lol::lol: 👍
I'd like it to be on record that, if I were a gay man I'd fancy Max E.

Seriously dude... Don't ever change. Ever.
I'd like it to be on record that, I am a gay man and I fancy Max E.

Seriously dude... Don't ever change me ... Ever!!!!.

Woah!! .. way to go Famine!! ..... out of the closet and into the frying pan :lol::lol:

i don't get this. first i have to get crap from everybody because i take exception to hugo trying to scumbag our team, and then i get it for taking mild exception to something that irritates EVERYBODY.

come on people, what REALLY bothers you about me? don't be shy now.

oh yeah, @veil, i'm sure you're not the only one who hates me who laughs at my posts ;). you're just the only one who will admit it :lol:
Max E.
i don't get this. first i have to get crap from everybody because i take exception to hugo trying to scumbag our team, and then i get it for taking mild exception to something that irritates EVERYBODY.

come on people, what REALLY bothers you about me? don't be shy now.

Do i still have to say? 💡
Max E.
oh yeah, @veil, i'm sure you're not the only one who hates me who laughs at my posts ;). you're just the only one who will admit it :lol:

yeah for sure, you know that i personally hate you and u know also that i wanna kick you, but most of times u make me laugh, but, not like if u were funny, but for your stupidness. :)