UKGTP7 - UKGTP International (5th-7th May)

  • Thread starter Famine
What exactly is the opposite of an elephant?

a tnahpele?

Wasnt he a brazilian footballer?

If it hasnt got wheels and an engine, im not really interested.....

Thanx for the nostalgia trip Daan, really enjoyed lookin back..... just a shame that Kev is nowhere to be found these days....

Starting to look forward to this event now though, gotta go practiz ma driftn skilz in time for da show... innit...


Glad to see AMG joining us...
i have bad news... :indiff:
i've heard from biteme that her and ash will probably not be attending the lan.
its down to costs apparently.
Spec managed to find cheaper train fares and i've offered free accommadation at mine, but i dont think thats going to be enough.
So is there anything else we can do?
I know theres always enough food so dont think that should be a problem, but what of the rest? feel a bit reluctant to ignore hall hire again as other people are traveling so far and paying so much to attend and both ash and sue are in work. but i'm open to other ideas or offers....💡
I would personally prefere to pay a few quid more towards hall hire and have them both attend. But it comes down to what everyone else thinks.
What exactly is the opposite of an elephant?

a tnahpele?

Wasnt he a brazilian footballer?

If it hasnt got wheels and an engine, im not really interested.....

Thanx for the nostalgia trip Daan, really enjoyed lookin back..... just a shame that Kev is nowhere to be found these days....

Starting to look forward to this event now though, gotta go practiz ma driftn skilz in time for da show... innit...


Glad to see AMG joining us...

Well an elephant never forgets, my memory card has forgotten...

Exelero (why do you sound like an ice lolly?) -

Where are they travelling from? Somewhere in London isn't it?

I'd pay for their hall fees, how much would it be?
i don't want to appear harsh and i hope suzie and ash know its nothing personal, because i wouldn't offer my home if it was, but when ash attended the last lan, his accommadation,travel, food + drink and hall costs were all covered by everyone. I just don't think it fair that it should happen again. Both are working now etc. I want to see both ash and suzie attend, but i think the part that everyone has to contribute too, should be of most importance to them also.
On a more personal note, and not because I'm trying to reflect that I should be given more cslack because I'm coming from farther, but I'm investing a considerable amount of money to come to this and I frankly wouldn't be willing to additionally cover the costs for someone else.

I've been saving up for this one for over six months now, and just for my expenses. Don't mean to sound like a bastard, but that's my situation.
Firslty, neither me nor Suzzie would want, or let anyone else pay for that would not happen with a big fat full stop!:D

I mean, really its Suzzie who doesnt want to come, she wants to save up for a holiday in June and she wants me to go with her therefore Im gonna have to save as well, as I said to Cass though, theres still a while yet so I just need to analyse the financial situation in a few weeks, I have already put the bike on hold due to being so tight, Suzzie wanting us to go on holiday as well needs a fair bit.

Its not that Im definately not coming, its just not as garunteed as it was a few months back.
Oh well, that sounds fair enough... hope you can still make it, though.

Seems like a good time to have an update on my situation - although I am definitely coming, I am still uncertain as to how much I'm going to be able to play since my hand is still sore. I am soon to get some physiotherapy for it, so things might start to improve but probably not before the meeting.

Unfortunately, using a DS2 in anger for any length of time is pretty much out. I can manage about an hour but have to be careful, hence in the "real racing" environment of the average UKGTP race, I'm not likely to be able to participate using a DS2. Even more unfortunately, I suck royally at using the DFP, and using the flappy paddle gear box is also proving to be a strain on my left hand, hence I may have the added disadvantage of having to use automatic :ill:

Anyway, suffice it to say, I will see how my hand feels on the day, but I may have to sit out of some of the events and be a spectator.
Starting to look forward to this event now though, gotta go practiz ma driftn skilz in time for da show... innit...

Oh shoot :scared: , I have it from a reliable source (GTP) that you're unbeatable.

Please can I get 0.99 lap on you in a 1 lap race. I'd like to be able to return to work and mention I've managed to win 1 race.

I'm really looking forward to seeing your (guys/gals) driving abilities and hope that some of it may rub off on me.

Glad to see AMG joining us...


Oh well, that sounds fair enough... hope you can still make it, though.

Seems like a good time to have an update on my situation - although I am definitely coming, I am still uncertain as to how much I'm going to be able to play since my hand is still sore. I am soon to get some physiotherapy for it, so things might start to improve but probably not before the meeting.

Unfortunately, using a DS2 in anger for any length of time is pretty much out. I can manage about an hour but have to be careful, hence in the "real racing" environment of the average UKGTP race, I'm not likely to be able to participate using a DS2. Even more unfortunately, I suck royally at using the DFP, and using the flappy paddle gear box is also proving to be a strain on my left hand, hence I may have the added disadvantage of having to use automatic :ill:

Anyway, suffice it to say, I will see how my hand feels on the day, but I may have to sit out of some of the events and be a spectator.

So it's changing down that's a problem? Why not use your right knee?
Whats wrong with your hand Mars?

Or neednt i ask?

Dance mats are banned from these kind of things Daan, due to the fact that you'd all decide that it was my only method of control during the clio endurance.....

Where's Famine gone?

Dance mats are banned from these kind of things Daan, due to the fact that you'd all decide that it was my only method of control during the clio endurance.....

Now that's a thought...

Beware though, there is a guitar controller coming, so you might want to practise your skills with it ;)
Now that's a thought...

Beware though, there is a guitar controller coming, so you might want to practise your skills with it ;)

Be careful there with your non-Granturismo related offerings at these parties. We almost stoned Famine last time for producing an Xbox with Forza on it. Vexd only got away with his copy of 'Black' with it being such a top game, although there was a small faction of the congregation mubbling about hanging him from the rafters.
Be careful there with your non-Granturismo related offerings at these parties. We almost stoned Famine last time for producing an Xbox with Forza on it. Vexd only got away with his copy of 'Black' with it being such a top game, although there was a small faction of the congregation mubbling about hanging him from the rafters.


Or are we randomly inventing new words?
Vexd only got away with his copy of 'Black' with it being such a top game, although there was a small faction of the congregation mubbling about hanging him from the rafters.
I think that was mainly because he broke the network by removing his PS2 from it....
Whats wrong with your hand Mars?

Or neednt i ask?
I've had a pain in my left hand since the Xmas holidays, and have seen a doctor a couple of times, however things are moving very slowly. It gradually became more painful until I was pretty much unable to do some pretty basic things. I've recently had an X-ray and will hopefully get the results of that tomorrow. It may be slightly dislocated and trapping a nerve somehow, but I haven't really got a clue and don't know how it happened (probably happened at football and I didn't notice at the time). Unfortunately, my GPs (different person every time) have been worse than useless and haven't even suggested what might be wrong, what to do to minimise damage/further injury, and I even had to ask to get another lot of anti-inflammatories after the last GP pretty much sent me away without bothering herself to ask any more than 'where does it hurt?'... you would think they would show a bit more concern given that your left hand is fairly important for everyday life. I'm just grateful it is not my right hand!
Welcome to the world of public GPs!

I've had three years with the middle finger in my left hand swelling up too often... meh, it's easier to explain in person. Hurts like hell all day everyday, and all the GPs have said is "try to avoid using it"... right, I flip them the finger (the bad finger, incidentally) and try to get on with my life.
I've had a pain in my left hand since the Xmas holidays, and have seen a doctor a couple of times, however things are moving very slowly. It gradually became more painful until I was pretty much unable to do some pretty basic things. I've recently had an X-ray and will hopefully get the results of that tomorrow. It may be slightly dislocated and trapping a nerve somehow, but I haven't really got a clue and don't know how it happened (probably happened at football and I didn't notice at the time). Unfortunately, my GPs (different person every time) have been worse than useless and haven't even suggested what might be wrong, what to do to minimise damage/further injury, and I even had to ask to get another lot of anti-inflammatories after the last GP pretty much sent me away without bothering herself to ask any more than 'where does it hurt?'... you would think they would show a bit more concern given that your left hand is fairly important for everyday life. I'm just grateful it is not my right hand!

Slightly dislocated?

It's either in or out surely?

TM, it seems a bummer that your GPs aren't too good at it.

If you really want them to look at it, say you lose feeling in your fingers (cheating ftw).
I'll be returning to the South at some point during the 5th, 6th or 7th.
Does anyone have any objections to me dropping in and staying for a while, bearing in mind it'll be a purely social visit and not related to playing GT at all?
Slightly dislocated?

It's either in or out surely?

TM, it seems a bummer that your GPs aren't too good at it.

If you really want them to look at it, say you lose feeling in your fingers (cheating ftw).
:lol: Yes, I don't think it's dislocated, and I'm sure I would know about it if it was. However I will speak to my GP tomorrow hopefully and get the results of the X-ray, so hopefully that should shed a bit more light on the subject.
I'll be returning to the South at some point during the 5th, 6th or 7th.
Does anyone have any objections to me dropping in and staying for a while, bearing in mind it'll be a purely social visit and not related to playing GT at all?

I should imagine that EXelero and Alonsue will be very pleased to have another female at the doo, and thats before all the men chirp up and agree with me, that you will be most welcome to drop in and see what we get up to with lots of ps2's, tv's and wipe-able nurses outfits.

Just consider that we may all badger you to at least participate in one race.

3 weex to go people... id better start the sandwiches....

incidentally, could those of you who have had the misfortune to try the food at these events before, please make suggestions as to what went down well, and what didnt stay down afterwards, so that i can make a trip to asda at some point, with whats known as a "shopping list".

:lol: Yes, I don't think it's dislocated, and I'm sure I would know about it if it was. However I will speak to my GP tomorrow hopefully and get the results of the X-ray, so hopefully that should shed a bit more light on the subject.

That was a shocking pun!

So what things are still needed for the event?