UKGTP7 - UKGTP International (5th-7th May)

  • Thread starter Famine
Ah, Amiga memories ... I still shudder to think that I threw about £15,000 worth of Amiga hardware and software in the council tip when we bought our new house :cries:.
I've still got "my" A1200 with a 20mb hard disk! I could bring it and we could have an AmigaLAN.

Amiga CD32? Sega Saturn? 1st gen brick Atari Lynx? Could bring all of them too. (Basically, if it sucked, I bought it....)

GT4? What's that?
VEXD would just like to say that he's pleased you're all staying on-topic, and could Daan bring California Games with the Lynx?

I'm bringing my PSP along with me for the hell of it (and the boring journey), so doing a wireless battle in TOCA 2 would be pretty cool. The only other game I have is Lumines 2, but I'll just own all of you guys with that. :P
I had an idea for a race (don't know if it's any good)
Teams of 2 cars would race against each other.
Every team consists of 1 fast and 1 slower car and the slower car had to slipstream the fast one as good as possible.
Only the final position of the slower car counts, so the fast car really has to help the slow car around the track.

A bit like the viper and the Ford Transit around the nurburgring in top gear.
I might buy a Network Adapter off eBay just to open up the options.

If you don't have any joy finding one, let me know. I brought mine over last time, and would happily mail it on ahead this time so that it can be used on the Saturday if necessary. It'll become the farthest travelled network adapter in the world! :P
I'm bringing my PSP along with me for the hell of it (and the boring journey), so doing a wireless battle in TOCA 2 would be pretty cool. The only other game I have is Lumines 2, but I'll just own all of you guys with that. :P
What so your going to own the people at this event with some blocks, since Lumines 2 is mainly blocks.

:( Losing people by the minute.

Oh well. Great that you were very willing to come though. 👍
Don't worry I may still be coming, but if I do come expect me to be wearing my Southampton FC shirt.
What so your going to own the people at this event with some blocks, since Lumines 2 is mainly blocks.

Thats pretty much what hes saying, I got owned by blocks yesterday as Suzzie thrashed me at Tetris.

Don't worry I may still be coming, but if I do come expect me to be wearing my Southampton FC shirt.

And I in the case will wear a far superior Newcastle shirt:P
Don't worry I may still be coming,

I'm sorry TVR but due to health and safety regulations of the school, i've been advised that we will need a special permit for youngsters to attend which will add an extra £150 to the overall costs of the venue....
Not wanting to appear bias in anyway, your more than welcome to attend if your willing to cover this extra cost?

as i'm sure the artist formally known as famine will tell you, children and schools now days is a very risky business....
If Celtic had real opposition in domestic football they would not be in the champions league:D
You can only beat what your given to beat, and they did that.

Will I wear my Motherwell top then?
I'll just have to pwn you all with my Harrogate Town top in that case. Pissing contest over.
I'll have no football shirt. I'm not really into it. :lol:

What so your going to own the people at this event with some blocks, since Lumines 2 is mainly blocks.
It requires a LOT more skill than you think!
What so your going to own the people at this event with some blocks, since Lumines 2 is mainly blocks.

Don't worry I may still be coming, but if I do come expect me to be wearing my Southampton FC shirt.

3 days in the same shirt?
I though TVR was all about banned from this, since it's in Newark and Vexd is attending :confused:

officially, no one can be banned, but it does take a brave man (or woman:sly: ) to take on the VEXD and thats just at racing :scared:

I'll have no football shirt. I'm not really into it. :lol:

It requires a LOT more skill than you think!

And you can tell from posts that its overflowing in TVR so should be a great match?! :dunce: :sly:

3 days in the same shirt?

mmmm lovely.....:ill:
Hope your gonna come TVR 'cos your gonna make yourself look the caraculo
if not....!
still on topic i see chaps....

I'll be wearing my UKGTP shirt cos i pwn you all

on the subject of shirts, i think we should be reminded of the best UKGTP shirt ever....2....
