UKGTP7 - UKGTP International (5th-7th May)

  • Thread starter Famine
Must remember to get Famine to keep back the LMPs and Japanese econo box races for the Monday then, while we just have 2 days driving nothing but the E-type.... :dopey:

You, sir! Yes, you! You are an evil man disguised in the personality of a very affable and likeable Scotsman - give him back :lol:.

Don't torment me Daan, I feel guilty enough already (mournful) :(.
You, sir! Yes, you! You are an evil man disguised in the personality of a very affable and likeable Scotsman - give him back :lol:.

Don't torment me Daan, I feel guilty enough already (mournful) :(.
You know I don't mean it.

Or do I... :mischievous:


So is Monday going to be part of the LAN for sure then?

Also, My Dad has agreed to give me a lift to and from Roo's.

I can now confirm that Monday IS going to be part of the lan. Well we're paying for it anyway, so i figure we may as well use it!
Was speaking with the caretaker today and he was in complete disbelief bout the whole mini in the hall thing, so will have to prove it!

God bless Jeremy....
I was just thinking that if there's a longer race on le sarthe, we could have a lemans start where we have to start at the opposite side of the hall and run to have a good start :)

The only problem is that when you park the cars for a standing start, as soon as you release the brake, the cars start moving.
I can test to see if there's a possibility to park them in a way that they wont roll away, IF anyone's interested in this idea.
You could just have your team mate hold the brake button until he/she hands the controller to you.
I was just thinking that if there's a longer race on le sarthe, we could have a lemans start where we have to start at the opposite side of the hall and run to have a good start :)

Evil Dave has to run from Morrisons, Famine starts from the carpark, all the rest of us are in the hall.

You could just have your team mate hold the brake button until he/she hands the controller to you.
And then we lose even more time re-attaching the wheel to the desk after you "hand" it to us... :dopey:

this would be VEXD if you made him run from Morrisons...
he has just given up smoking you know!
I need to bite the bullet and make an executive decision - I can categorically confirm that I will not be able to make this event.

There are lots of reasons, two of them are an imminent house move and the other is an attempt to salvage my almost failed degree.
Thats a little below the belt cass!



Wait did exelero actually buy a honda beat? DID YOU I MUST KNOW?

I love em, they are like a babby mr2.

Off to look at the Beat on Sunday....
Beats are not a baby anything. they're in a class of their own!

I need to bite the bullet and make an executive decision - I can categorically confirm that I will not be able to make this event.

There are lots of reasons, two of them are an imminent house move and the other is an attempt to salvage my almost failed degree.

sorry bout the degree Kendra, hope it all comes together.

not the two i expected to lose, so still predicting numbers to be lower by May. :ouch:
Beats are quite rare, aren't they? 1,000 or so in the UK or something?

Good luck if you like the "thing". :P 👍
I oh so want to pour scorn on the thought of buying a Honda Beat but in our congested age something that will take off like a scalded cat from the lights and will flick about country roads is about the best we can hope for ... still prefer a Cerbera tho' :lol:
I oh so want to pour scorn on the thought of buying a Honda Beat but in our congested age something that will take off like a scalded cat from the lights and will flick about country roads is about the best we can hope for ... still prefer a Cerbera tho' :lol:

pour scorn if you wish Suker (!!). Not all cars are about top speed, power/torque etc.... (thankfully)
Its something i've drooled over for years and no Japanese show is complete without a Beat!
For me the car has character and will easily turn as many heads as some of your top notch cars. If it can still do that after being on the road for 17 years, it deserves our respect. Infact i'm thinking of building a shrine and worshiping it... 💡

anyhow, haven't looked at it yet and although it is a dream for me to own one, i will keep my practical head on (well vexd will!) and only buy if its in a worthy condition. But this site will be the first to know!!!!
I'm hoping to drive it in next to Roo at the lan and get some great pics.
Might have to order a taxi to get my equipment to the lan tho :scared:

@ spec: I've saved your drunken babblings for later use.... :smile:
I wasn't scorning Exe, quite the reverse. I was just saying that I should be all scorny because of my prejudices but the little Honda just wont let me :D.
Beats are quite rare, aren't they? 1,000 or so in the UK or something?

They estimate 150-200 i think.

33,000 ever born into the world.

No scope for 4x4 wheels though.... eh Famine.....

And only enough seats for one EX and one cow-shaped bag.

Numbers are dwindling by the thread page.... Loox like Sukerkin had better drag Mrs S..... please mark.....
Hi Vexd

Long time no speak, my friend. Never got to tell you how much I enjoyed our last racing together over at Famines house 👍.

I like to think my 'haunted' Interceptor aided in setting the tone of the day ... that and Exe putting down her controller a lap early, thinking she'd finished :P ... she's going to belt me now, isn't she :ducks:?

I don't think Lady S is persuadeable (sp) I'm sad to say. I'd love her to come along and I'm glad she made a good impression last time but, as she's a non-gamer (more or less) and prefers her cars solidly 3D (and AMERICAN .. spits), she's reluctant to just sit and watch (and wont drive because she's embarassed by how outclassed she'd be).

I'll do my darndest to turn up, tho'. It might only be for one day but at leat I can help with the costs (and I'm very sad I'll miss out on most of the social side of things :().
We could all wear potato bags over our heads until you come, then you'll miss out on no socialising whatsoever!
We could all wear potato bags over our heads until you come, then you'll miss out on no socialising whatsoever!

Actually, the 'sacks on heads' might not be a bad idea for the day I'm there - that way noone will be horrified by the Shogoth amount of weight I've put on since last I attended a meet ... I blame Lady S entirely ...
If weight was an issue, i would've been paying for two seats at lans for the past couple of years....!


Quick edit so i dont double post...
Just wondered who is heading into Newark on the Friday. Could meet up that evening and go for food or more socialising etc....? could maybe book seats at a restaurant. we have great chinese, italian, indian and tai if anyones interested? Anyone play pool or snooker? Or fancy twisting the night away....Just a couple of ideas.

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