UKGTP9 - The Nono

  • Thread starter Sureboss
What did we need to plug all the PS2s together again? Was it a multiport switch, or would an 8-port hub do?

Could use PS3's now! Unfortunately mines NTSCJ and my GT4 is PAL..

Or use GT5 Prologue!

I'll go anywhere. I'm not fussy, as I've proven in the past...

Lets test that theory, I vote Devon :D

Hopefully I will be driving to the next one, which means Racing cockpit.
I could offer to pick someone up in a company motor.

(I drove the vRS yesterday. And we're not talking diesel Skodas here. :D)

I'd need a ride, i live 1/4 of the journey from banbury and northampton :sly:
I'd arrange somewhere, but I think the south coast is a bit pointless, unless we're inviting seaweed.

vRS? A google finds nothing, bar the Skoda's.
Just had a chat with Exelero and you can count the pair of us coming to the lan. We wouldn't mind hosting the lan in good old newark either, so at least there is one pretty much guarenteed location :)

Make The Nueve in España


Anyway, wasn't there some project of moving it to Holland instead? Vexd said something about that.

As of right now my attendance is a possible, since I may do the same thing I did last year of going to Holland for a week, getting high and later attending the LAN in a state of absolute mellowness.
No fear. Finding a place in October was tough enough. I'll host GTPX ('The Dixie') if someone wants, but May's going to be a killer.

We need somewhere in the sticks.

I note the continuing tradition of organising the next event before Famine puts up the results from the last one. *duck/cover*

I am one of the fortunate 3 to know my final result. I am most intrigued to know everyones results though.
Probably, depending on the date. I'd offer to host, but we have no hotels within a million miles.
Can I suggest that UKGTP9 be somewhere closer to the east of England? That way, I'd have a better chance of attending since I live in Norwich. :)
Can I suggest that UKGTP9 be somewhere closer to the east of England? That way, I'd have a better chance of attending since I live in Norwich. :)

we have to try and accomodate for everyone, I live in the northwest, so travelling to Norwich would be quite a treck. central england seems the best bet for everyone as it will be the 'nearest' for everyone.
Can I suggest that UKGTP9 be somewhere closer to the east of England? That way, I'd have a better chance of attending since I live in Norwich. :)

Yes unfortunately everyone in this thread wants it right on their doorstep but that aint gonna happen.

How about Newark again possibly? Plus I want to test my bowling skillz. :sly:

I'm still pissed that I stupidly turned down the offer of a lift from Venari. I felt like a hecka retard.
Here's Famine's triangle of death. Take your pick ladies. The black splodge is my village :D

Northampton gets my vote.
Can I suggest that UKGTP9 be somewhere closer to the east of England? That way, I'd have a better chance of attending since I live in Norwich. :)

You can suggest what you like, but unless you're going to find a venue for us I wouldn't count on it being any more East than Kettering.
We need something in the Banbury/Northampton/Wycombe triangle, ideally. It's a bit of a schlepp for daan, but he's been to all 8 anyway, so travelling doesn't seem to be an issue for him :lol:

What's wrong with the Swansea/Bristol/Penzance triangle?

Lets test that theory, I vote Devon :D would I if I could be bothered to try and find a venue.
...and if it wasn't southwest of everyone else.
...and if we had decent transport links.
...and any form of nightlife.
...and reliable internet.
Yes unfortunately everyone in this thread wants it right on their doorstep but that aint gonna happen.

Well, it can, but you have to organise it. I organised The Ocho to be 45 seconds walk from my house. :)

I'm still pissed that I stupidly turned down the offer of a lift from Venari. I felt like a hecka retard.

Laaaahoooooooozer. :D I can never guarantee a car on a certain day, let alone a specific type. However, by May, I'll have 'Freddie' running, so it's going to be a guaranteed hoot... he's quicker than a DBS (in a straight line). :)

Just three things - I think you know what they are.

You forgot #4, which is everything between the above 3... especially since about a third of that means you'll be very, very wet.

He's a Cougar.

And he's a Mercury.

And he's a Cougar.


Oh, and:

The next LAN is at Venari's house then....

Compact and bijou, Nige', compact and bijou. Now... my parents' place, there's a different idea. I reckon we could just about squeeze in two LANs in the lounge and sun room. If we limit the numbers, we can do it for free! The local homes who run B&Bs should easily cope with the numbers. There's even a loft room over the garage which would house six or eight peeps in beeping slags.

Problem - they live in Knucklas.