UKGTP9 - The Nono

  • Thread starter Sureboss
I hate to ask this sort of question. My Dad wants proof that your not all paedophiles. Alex. your my age, any help to persuade them?
I hate to ask this sort of question. My Dad wants proof that your not all paedophiles. Alex. your my age, any help to persuade them?

I'll send him some of my porno collection. No-one under 18 in that.

Foolproof pla... wait, what?
and some hate driving really slow stuff, but no-one really hates driving M3s.

**Coughs** I beg to differ, I recall 4 damn races in that thing. It looks cool in that teal colour but on El capitan its evil....EVIL

I hate to ask this sort of question. My Dad wants proof that your not all paedophiles. Alex. your my age, any help to persuade them?

I am 17 and I went to the last one, I didn't see any peado's knocking about except maybe Sureshot he seems a right dodgey guy....:D

I hate to ask this sort of question. My Dad wants proof that your not all paedophiles. Alex. your my age, any help to persuade them?

Im a month older than Alex. (👍) I was allowed to the last one as I went with Alex as we live about 20mins away from each other and know each other very well.

So, find a friend who can type make them join, like Alex did me and then you'll live happy ever after.
I am 17 and I went to the last one, I didn't see any peado's knocking about except maybe Sureshot he seems a right dodgey guy....:D


Also, we plied you with alcohol at the last one.

Hope you managed to sit down okay.
Well I suppose I could see if Tommi2000 would like to come seeming he lives..about a minute away from me.

Other than that I haven't had a definite answer yet from my parents, and thats fine by me, I'd prefer them to take their time rather than rush it.
I think its extremely safe to say that no one who attends the lans has any interest in children what so ever. my children who are nine and twelve always attend if i do (see pics of UKGTP7) and they always manage to keep us all entertained and leave safely!!! but in all seriousness, if your dad wants to come thats great, i could always do with someone my age there to talk to!!! And even if he has never driven on gt before, he can't be worse than me!!!

if your dad would like to take the thirty minute drive into newark to meet me and have a tour of the actual venue etc, i promise to be on my best behaviour and at least try to act grown up whilst i show him around. in all honesty, most of the lan attendees are sad adults who use these lans to let go of the child within so your more than safe!! OOooer! how bad does that sound!! :scared:
Im a month older than Alex. (👍) I was allowed to the last one as I went with Alex as we live about 20mins away from each other and know each other very well.

So, find a friend who can type make them join, like Alex did me and then you'll live happy ever after.

I hate to ask this sort of question. My Dad wants proof that your not all paedophiles. Alex. your my age, any help to persuade them?

I had the same problem, but I knew the guys here long enough to be 400% sure they were all cool and was able to convince my dad using facts or posts they had made. He trusts my judgement, and although I was slitghly suprised that me and mike were the only 15 year olds or less there. It was all about trust for me. You might get the 'but these people can be very clever', tell him your too old or mentally mature enough to know who your talking to.

My Dad wants proof that your not all paedophiles.

I do think your Dad is absolutely right to be cautious and I'd suggest the same as EXelero has just said...

As for the 'proof that we're not all paedophiles', that might be slightly harder to do... I must admit, I've been having a relationship with a rather gorgeous 15 year old for quite some time now... :crazy:

edit: Oh, and I did have a slightly disconcerting experience at UKGTP6 when someone tried to get in my hotel room via the window (I was on the first floor!). Luckily, the bandit got the windows mixed up and ended up trying to get into his own bathroom by mistake. :lol:
i could always do with someone my age there to talk to!!!

Cass, i'm pretty sure you've never been the oldest at any of the LAN meetings so far. Unless you are talking about mental age, in which case you are probably right. ;)
Cass, i'm pretty sure you've never been the oldest at any of the LAN meetings so far. Unless you are talking about mental age, in which case you are probably right. ;)

Ya, she says that as if she were 34! The nerve!

I'll talk tonight again and see what I can do. I appreciate all the help you guys have given as well, all these things should help towards it!

I'll also have to check the dates of our caravanning holiday, if they clash it might be a bit hard. I can't remember the dates off the top of my head now, and my parents haven't wrote down the dates on the calendar either so I'll double check.

Thanks again for all the help!
I'll also have to check the dates of our caravanning holiday, if they clash it might be a bit hard. I can't remember the dates off the top of my head now, and my parents haven't wrote down the dates on the calendar either so I'll double check.

Kill two birds with one stone and have a caravanning holiday in Newark. They like caravans in Newark
I was going to suggest letting your Dad/Mum read the LAN threads, maybe though, given some of the banter between us it might put them off completely. I think Cass '(Exelero, she used to be an ice cream?) idea is a good one.
I was going to suggest letting your Dad/Mum read the LAN threads, maybe though, given some of the banter between us it might put them off completely. I think Cass '(Exelero, she used to be an ice cream?) idea is a good one.

Yeah. I'll see what happens, whatever I do I won't pressure it on them.
newark owns


Thx for the PM Spec, I wasn't aware of this thread. Been too busy with other things.
I'll need to check if I can make it and then combine this trip with visiting friends in Manchester and my dad down south and picking up 1 or two professional lenses from an unknown to me company
/*offtopic*/ anyone heard of them, if so please PM me /ontopic/

In principle yes, I'll be there and yes I'd prefer a single room. When I know more I'll confirm by PM.
Newark rocks, TM or EX will need to walk me to the 'curry thingy' shop, want to taste another one :)

I'll talk tonight again and see what I can do. I appreciate all the help you guys have given as well, all these things should help towards it!
Get your Dad to look through the previous UKGTP threads. Hopefully reading the posts and seeing some kinda normal looking folk in pictures will allay any fears he may have had.

And if you see anyone looking like paedobear, don't worry, that's just Diego. :dopey:
No guarantee of an Aston this time.

Mind you, no guarantee of the Mercury either, but that's the plan.

Mindyou mindyou, there was no guarantee of last event's special guest either. :D

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