UK Gran Turismo Party 6

  • Thread starter Famine
Whats all this then?

oh i get it, youre all planning on having another party and no one thought to invite me?

Oh bugger. Who told him?

How are we supposed to win anything now?

Famine, i shall leave the task of organising the race schedules to you as ever, as you are the best at this sort of thing, and the only one who does it.

I have 95 cars on the testing list, and about 20 of those will be cut. There's a total of 12 different events planned, which absolutely will include a Clio Endurance - no two ways about it.

Oddly, I've still not found the time to learn the wheel!
I have 95 cars on the testing list, and about 20 of those will be cut. There's a total of 12 different events planned, which absolutely will include a Clio Endurance - no two ways about it.

Oddly, I've still not found the time to learn the wheel!

Is there going to be room for the TVR mix'n'match series? That was fun the time we did it.
BTW, im assuming Roo's offer to pick me up in Wycombe is still there and im also assuming that counts for the return trip. Think il need to PM him on that.

It certainly is, and does - if you don't mind coming back on Monday morning.

I've booked the day off on Monday (that's my last day of annual leave this year, given over to you good people). Just realised I haven't phoned the hotel. Poo.
You can stick me on the Confirmed list now. I've booked the hotel (the Rutland Arms), booked the Monday off, and I'll be there probably around 11ish Saturday morning.
I can now be confirmed thanks to Roo who has kindly offered me to use the twin room with him, which i am very grateful for.

As i stated earlier im lacking a ps2 and GT4..however i can provide the last DFP you need and a TV....oh and i just found my old DS2..which works:D.

Me = no ps2, mem card or GT4...mem card could be a problem..
As i stated earlier im lacking a ps2 and GT4..however i can provide the last DFP you need and a TV....oh and i just found my old DS2..which works:D.

Me = no ps2, mem card or GT4...mem card could be a problem..

An old PS2 is no use unless you've got the network adapter with it. A DFP will surely come in handy, as will the telly.

How much electronic equipment can you fit in a mini? At least you won't have to carry it from the mini to the hall....
An old PS2 is no use unless you've got the network adapter with it. A DFP will surely come in handy, as will the telly.

How much electronic equipment can you fit in a mini? At least you won't have to carry it from the mini to the hall....

I have an old DS2 not PS2:P i dont have a ps2 full stop:(

scrap that its A YES ON THE TV!
So dam glad i can finally make it!

Just hope my lack of a memory card isnt going to affect anything too badly:S
So should we really call you paan then? :lol:

Barring an extreme teleportation related "Act Of God" I can't see me making this one. :(
Have fun everyone! Must make videos too! ;)

I'll not have a teammate for the Clio enpurance race :(

Well, I'll go with a new teammate, but I'll be thinking of you....
I've actually just had a thought about the planned brother-intervention...

You know the bump between the car park and the road which I... errr... "experimented with a new line" with? He stands NO chance.
You know the bump between the car park and the road which I... errr... "experimented with a new line" with? He stands NO chance.

Remove "experimented" and replace it with "carved". :dopey:
I've actually just had a thought about the planned brother-intervention...

You know the bump between the car park and the road which I... errr... "experimented with a new line" with? He stands NO chance.

Doesn't matter. We'll just carry it in.
I'll certainly be here again this time - i'm just not sure in what capacity.

It's either Sat and Sun - staying over inbetween.

or Sat and Sun - commuting

or just Sun - my step-bro is due to race the Cortina at Silverstone on the Sat, but with the crank snapping at Spa we're trying to get the spare engine rebuilt in time. At the moment it's 50:50.
I think we should have an Enduro Race that involves one person driving and the other has to locate and purchase an item of food from the shopping list from the supermarket... you have to stay in the pits until your co-driver comes back from the shop with said item... it will be like a cross between the Le Mans 24 Heures and Supermarket Sweep :P

i like the idea of this!
i know the store in question like the back of my hand. also being friends with some of the check out staff could be a bonus!
i may actually be of use to a team for a change! :dopey:
yeah she will be.

in my car/van/truck/whatever i get from work.

The threads unusually quiet for such an impending event Famine...

Im worried about the numbers turning up, though i am not footing the bill this time, so maybe i should just enjoy it and let everyone else do the worrying.

See you all in a week!

I'm away now until Friday evening, so I'll check here (and my PMs) then. Ashley and I are definates.
Hopefully im a definate!:D

There is now 1 potential banana skin which reared its head on Thursday and thats the very likely/unlikely possibility of me starting a new job before Saturday and as i would imagine with the likleyhood of working on the weekend. Bad news is i wont find out if i have the job until as late as Wednsday, they said start of the week i would hear from them so id say between Monday and Wednsday, i will keep you all posted on any happenings there.
The threads unusually quiet for such an impending event Famine...

Yes, it is rather. Though I'm nose-first into car testing.

Im worried about the numbers turning up, though i am not footing the bill this time, so maybe i should just enjoy it and let everyone else do the worrying.

We'll all be there, the venue hire shouldn't be into double digits each with the numbers we have, and there's a supermarket across the way for snap (and we can order pizza).

The only "hnngh" I have is getting there. I think I'll be in Sheffield on the Friday and schlep down Saturday morning, fashionably late. I did have another plan but I don't think that'll fly now...

As a warning... My large LCD TV has recently started being moody. It takes up to 50 minutes to turn on now - though is fine once it's on. I'd suggest having a standby, just in case.
Well, sadly I'm still waiting and experimenting with teleportation related miracles and acts of God. :irked:
Doesn't look like there's much chance of either! :ouch:
So I'll have to sit this one out. :(

This will be me all of next weekend while you're all having fun. :grumpy:
Newark On Trent is quite close to me when i'm at home (erm....i think?). But i'm in Taunton right now.

Plus next weekend is the weekend of my 21st so i'll be unconscious for most of the 2 days.